My email from yesterday about how much I’ve changed over the last decade spurred a lot of follow-up emails…
Specifically a lot of people asking me…
“What did you do to get past all the stuff that was holding you back?”
This is a great question.
And I could write an entire book on the topic.
Cause I tried everything from Tony Robbins…
To Landmark…
To Ayahuasca journeys…
To meditation…
I also went to six different therapists to try and work through my shit.
All of those things provided various amount of help and insights…
Nothing really stuck…
And I didn’t find any of them to create long-lasting change.
But then in 2018, I started working with a new coach, who my buddy Ian Stanley recommended.
His name was Brent Charleton.
When I first signed-up to work with Brent…
I thought it was just gonna be another personal development thing that I did.
Just like Tony Robbins…
Or Landmark…
But after my first intensive with Brent…
I quickly realized that he was different.
He instantly knew everyone problem I had…
Where the problem stemmed from…
And he even had a unique method, called the “correction method” that helped me to either get rid of the problem (or to severely reduce it).
Which was life changing…
And after working with Brent I’ve seen some a massive difference in many areas of my life.
For example…
– I find it easier to make money these days. This is mostly due to Brent and I working through a bunch of “money blocks” I used to have that held me back. After working on those, I find making money to be easier than it was pre-Brent.
– I don’t procrastinate like I used to. I used to be a major perfectionist, which always led to me procrastinating with my writing, and with starting new projects. After working with Brent, I can’t remember the last time I procrastinated on something with my work…
– I work less and enjoy life more. Before Brent I was a massive work-a-holic who had no idea how to take his foot off the gas. Now I have a lot more balance in my life, and my day-to-day happiness is a lot higher
– I am more attractive to women. Due to my shitty relationship with my mom I used to be your typical people-pleaser with women. I was basically a doormat with women when I was younger. With the work I’ve done with Brent, I’m much better at leading with women, setting boundaries, and allowing them to see who I am, which has made me a lot more attractive to women.
– I make more money on my investments. After Brent and I worked through a lot of my triggering around people-pleasing, I noticed that I got a lot better at investing. Why? Cause I was thinking rationally, and not from a place of trying to impress others or make them happy. As a result I’ve made more money from my investments.
– I’m a better friend. Pre-Brent I really struggled to be myself (even around friends). Now I’m able to be myself, flaws and all, and as a result of that I have better friendships and deeper relationships with my friends than I did before Brent
– I’m a better mentor and coach. This is a big one. I would not be able to do what I’m doing now had I not worked with Brent. Brent’s work has made me more compassionatea and more understanding than I ever was before. And that’s made a huge impact on the copywriters and marketers I work with
– I write better copy now than I did pre-Brent. The biggest difference here is I have access to more of my emotions than I did before Brent. And as a copywriter you need to be in touch with your emotions. I’m still not a whiz-bang at this by any means, but my writing is significantly more emotional today than it was six years ago
– I have no problem putting myself out there and going after what I want. This was a big change for me. I used to always be in the background, and I stayed behind the scenes. After working with Brent I care a lot less what other people think, which has made me much more comfortable putting myself out there and going after what I want
– I see my own worth for the first time. This is the most important thing that has come out of my work with Brent. Before Brent I always felt like a worthless piece of shit. Even though I was successful, and even though I was making money… I had no self esteem, and I was riddled with insecurities. That’s the God’s honest truth. But after working with Brent, I no longer feel like that. I’m much more solid inside. And I see my own worth for the first time in my life. And you really can’t put a price on that.
I could go on and on with this…
But you get the point.
The work I’ve done with Brent has been a gamechanger for me.
And the $280,000 I’ve paid him over the last six years has been the best money I’ve ever spent.
That’s no exaggeration.
It’s why I’ve referred at least a dozen friends to work with him as private clients…
And it’s why many of the biggest names in direct response work with him today like Dan Ferrari, Ian Stanley, Cole Gordon, Jason Capital, Tanner Henkel, Alec Rosa, Henry Bingaman, Nick Daniel, Mike Abramov and more…
As you can see I’m a big fan of Brent’s work…
Cause of how much he’s changed my life.
And that is why I’m writing you this email.
Here’s the deal…
This coming Tuesday…
My coach, Brent, is going to be opening up his “Corrections Course” that helps you to remove the mental and emotional blocks that are holding you back.
This is the exact same method Brent uses with me and his other private clients…
But instead of you having to pay over $100k to work with him (which is his current yearly rate)…
You can learn from him in his course for a tiny fraction of that cost.
So if you struggle with stuff like…
Writer’s block…
The fear of starting your own business…
The fear of charging more…
Working too much…
Worrying about money…
And any other mental and emotional blocks you have…
Then this will be right up your alley.
I’ll have more info for you about the course on Tuesday…
And I’ll even have a special bonus for you if you pick up Brent’s course through my link…
So if that interests you…
Keep your eyes peeled for an email from me on Tuesday…
– Justin