The money is in the relationships.
I remember hearing this phrase years ago…
But I never quite understood it at the time.
However it’s paid big dividends for me…
Especially when I look at a fitness conference I went to back in 2009.
In 2009 I hopped in a car with AJ Roberts and drove from Columbus, Ohio all the way to New Jersey (that was like a 10-hour drive, I dont know what we were thinking).
We went to an event called “Fast Track to Fitness Millions”.
It was put on by Ryan Lee, Pat Rigsby and another guy who I forget his name right now.
At that event, the fitness niche was just starting to take off.
A few guys like Mike Geary and Joel Marion had big offers running.
I was still a newbie to the fitness world.
And no one really knew who I was…
But at that event, I wound up making some life-long friends, traffic partners and more…
For example…
Over the course of that weekend I met Craig Ballantyne, Dave Sinick, Jason Capital, Joel Marion, John Romaniello, Ellliot Hulse, Ryan Magin and a whole bunch of other peeps.
Since that event nearly 12 years ago, I’ve become good friends with Dave Sinick (we’ve stayed at each other’s houses numerous times when traveling)
Same with Jason Capital…
Craig Ballantyne has been incredibly generous with promoting my email list and my offers.
Ryan Magin has filmed stuff for our events and even came on a recent call for our members and taught “Tik Tok ads” to everyone.
So these relationships were NOT short lived.
They’ve carried on through the years.
And made us ALL a bunch of money.
And that’s kind of the point I want to make.
The money is in the relationships.
It really is.
That took me a while to learn.
Cause I always tried to do things on my own.
But if you have good people around you…
Who support you…
And encourage you…
I guarantee you’ll get a hell of a lot further than trying to do this as a lone wolf.
You need to surround yourself with people who are smarter than you.
And that are already where you want to be.
So the big question is, how do you do that?
Well there’s multiple ways to do it…
Facebook groups are always a good place to start.
I’ve made numerous friends that way.
But for me, the best relationships have always come from live events.
I met all those guys I told you about at a live event.
I met other superstars like Allen Baler, Ian Stanley, Chris Haddad, David Deutsch, Emily Lark and Dan Roitman at live events.
So my advice?
Go to live events.
Do whatever you need to do to get there.
Cause it’s that important.
In fact…
If you haven’t gotten a ticket yet for our upcoming Copy Accelerator event, then you should do that now.
Cause it kicks off in just 6 days in Scottsdale (there’s also a virtual option if you cant travel).
We’ll have nearly 300 of the top offer owners and copywriters in our industry at the event.
So if you want to meet the “best of the best”…
i.e. the people that can make you a lot of moolah over the coming years…
Then this is where you should be.
Just a note…
Ticket sales for this event end on Friday.
And after that we will shift into “event prep” mode.
So no more ticket sales after Friday.
So if you’re thinking about coming…
I suggest you read all about the event and snag yourself one of the few remaining seats right here.
Hope to see ya in Scottsdale.
– Justin