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One of the issues you run into when you have an email list is that once your promo schedule fills up, it’s hard to add other promos in.


Cause there’s only so many days in the month…

And once those days are filled with your launches…

Or with affiliate promos you’re doing…

There’s not a whole lot of wiggle room to promote something else.

Obviously this is a problem.

Cause it limits how much money you can make from your email list each month.

But what if there was a way around this?

What if there was an email promo you could send that works in the “background”, and brings in 5 or 6 figures of profit without it affecting your regular email promos?

Sounds pretty cool, right?

Well this is exactly what my buddy Jordan Hall has been doing with his email list in the women’s relationship space for the last two years.

He already mails that list every single day…

So instead of trying to add more promos to his already full schedule…

What he does is a “backdoor promo”…

Basically he sends ONE email…

And with that ONE email, he gets the “super buyers” on his list to raise their hand.

And once they raise their hand, he sends them a series of “empathy driven” emails with a high-ticket offer in it.

Sometimes the offer is a bundle offer with multiple products of his…

Sometimes it’s a coaching offer…

Other times it’s an affiliate offer that he’s getting a cut of…

Either way, he’s putting some type of high-ticket offer in front of these super buyers (usually between $2k and $15k).

And guess what happens?

They buy like crazy.

The last time he ran this backdoor promo to his list, he pulled in a little over $104,000 in pure profit.

That’s not revenue…

That’s profit (AKA money in his pocket).

And that entire promo ran in the background without it affecting his regular email promos.

Which is pretty cool if you ask me…

And it’s why I’m pumped that I got Jordan to agree to do a LIVE training with me this Thursday where he’s gonna breakdown his entire “backdoor” email promo for you…

Specifically he’s gonna show you…  

– the exact “empathy driven” emails he uses to dig-up 6-figures worth of sales each time he uses this process

– how to use this process to sell $2k, $5k or even $10k offers without a webinar, without phone sales and without a sales page 

– which types of offers work best for selling to super buyers (we’ll cover what offers to use for physical products, coaching, bundle offers and more) 

– plus much, much more…

I’m super excited about this training…

And I think it’s a perfect fit if you…

– Have your own list, and you want to pull-in an extra 5 or 6-figures of profit each month by selling offers you already have in your arsenal to your super buyers…


– If you’re a copywriter who wants to run one of these backdoor email promos for clients (and get paid a big % of the profit you create for your clients)  

If either of those sound like you…

Then this training will be right up your alley.

As for the details…

The LIVE training will take place this Thursday, September 21st at 11 AM ET/8 AM PT on Zoom.

Plan on the call lasting about two hours…

The entire training will be recorded.

So if you can’t make it, or you need to step away, you’ll have the recording to keep forever.

So that’s the deal…

Now in terms of the price…

Jordan currently charges $15,000 a year to be in his mastermind where he teaches this process to his students.

And at $15k, I’ve heard the mastermind is worth every penny.

But luckily for you…

This training isn’t gonna cost $15,000. 

When you sign-up today, you can join Jordan and I on the live training for just $197.

You can also split that into two payments of $99 if that’s easier on your cash flow.

So if that piques your interest…

I suggest getting yourself signed-up for the training today.

We will not be doing this training a second time…

And I will not be re-selling the recording like I usually do. 

This is a ONE TIME thing.

So if you want to learn how to pull-in an extra 5 or 6-figures of profit each month from an email list with Jordan’s “backdoor email promo”…

Then I suggest you head over to the checkout page and get yourself signed up for the training right here.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.