Something I’m a big proponent of is having a list of things you want to accomplish in the coming year.
For example…
I spent an hour yesterday writing down all of my goals for 2023.
Now, I set these goals in areas of my life that are important to me (what’s important to you may be wildly different).
So I have goals for things like…
– working with dog rescues
– improving my Crohn’s disease
– business income and email list growth
– romantic relationships
– fitness and how my body looks/feels
– friendships/community/lifestyle
Those are my main focuses…
And I write them down on a big piece of posterboard that I keep near my laptop every single day (see pic below).

So that’s what it looks like…
And to give you a better idea of the kind of goals I I have written down, here they are…
Dog rescues
– my goal for this is to do more in-person work with rescues (I already help them with marketing and fundraising).
I want to get more into helping walk the dogs or transport them.
I’m shooting for volunteering once a week with this.
Crohn’s disease
– this has improved a lot in 2021, but there’s a few treatments I’ve tried in the past that had some success that I’d like to do again in 2022 (one of which is an FMT – fecal microbiota transplant)
Business/money goals
My business goals have shifted drastically since I sold CA this year and am now doing the semi-retired thing.
I have enough money to retire now, so making millions of dollars is not a big priority for me right now.
I want to focus more on doing projects I really like, and that will make me enough money to cover all my expenses.
So here’s my 2023 goals for business…
– $34k-$40k per month in revenue generated
– expenses at $180k for personal expenses, and biz expenses at $136k
– grow my email list to 18,000 people (it’s currently at 9300)
– make sure everything I have is protected and setup for the future (will, trust, proper insurance etc)
– I recently switched to a 5-day a week workout plan (which I’m enjoying). My goal is to keep this up and re-comp my body in terms of muscle/fat
– Hit the sauna/cold plunge 3-4x per week
– Stretch my quads, hips, hamstrings, calves each day (I was having some neck pain, and this was the cause of it, so I want to keep this up)
– meditate or breath work for 10 minutes a day
– Keep hitting 10k steps a day (I’ve been doing this for a month, and seeing a lot of benefits from it)
– host a dinner for friends and interesting people once a month
– play poker with my buddies once a month
– live near the beach in Mexico or Costa Rica for a month out of the year
So there ya go…
That’s what my goals look like for 2023.
Now one thing I’ll say…
I’m not crazy strict on these.
I don’t get upset if I miss some of these goals.
I look at this list more like a “guiding light”.
It simply gives me an idea of what I want to do, and how I want my year to look.
So I’ll periodically read it…
And see how I’m doing.
If you’ve never done something like this, I’d highly suggest it.
You can do it one evening.
And it will help set the tone for 2023 for you.
So I suggest ya do it.
Here’s to a good 2023 for you and I…
– Justin