One of the easiest ways to lose a sale is to give your potential buyer a reason to say “yeh that works for him, but it won’t work for me”.
For example…
I came across a golf ad on Instagram this morning that shows you how to hit longer drives.
Everything about the ad was good…
The copy had a big promise of “how to add 30 yards to your drive in less than 30 minutes”.
They had a unique mechanism which was called the B.I.G method.
Overall it was a great ad.
There was one major flaw with the ad.
And I’m betting this flaw is costing them a boatload of sales.
Because the flaw allows most of the guys watching the ad to say “yeh it works for him, but it probably won’t work for me”.
Can you guess what the flaw is?
Here it is…
The guy they used in the video was way too young!
Honestly, he couldn’t have been a day over 19.
Maybe even a highschooler.
And that’s a big problem…
Cause the guys who buy stuff in the golf market are usually in their 40’s and 50’s.
They have bad backs…
And achy knees…
So when a 57 year old guy sees this ad…
His first thought is “well no shit this guy can hit 300 yard drives, look how young he is. I could do that back then too”
The kid being young immediately gives him an easy out.
So he thinks “this wont work for me”.
And they lose the sale…
And this isn’t something that just happens in the golf niche…
It happens in EVERY niche.
Scott Jackson (who’s a Copy Accelerator member) has a men’s dating offer that I gave him some similar feedback on a while back…
One of Scott’s problems is that he’s a 6 foot tall, good looking white guy with a nice head of hair.
And that’s a problem when trying to sell dating advice to guys…
Cause every little physical attribute Scott has gives certain people an easy out.
The short guy thinks “yeh no shit you get girls, you’re tall and good looking”.
The Indian guy thinks “yeh no shit you get girls, you’re white”
The balding guy thinks “yeh no shit you get girls, you got a full head of hair”.
Because of the way Scott looks he gives every one of these guys an easy way to say “yeh it will work for you, but it wont work for me”.
So my advice to Scott was to really hammer home more examples in his copy of “below average” guys succeeding with women.
So show them an example of an overweight, balding guy picking up a girl at the mall…
Or a nerdy Indian guy walking up to a beautiful woman and getting her number.
That’s the only way to combat this.
You have to take all their objections…
And just show them overwhelming proof that what they’re thinking is simply not true.
So to sum it up…
You never want to give your reader an easy excuse to say “yeh that works for you, but it won’t work for me”.
People are always looking for reasons things won’t work for them…
Don’t help them by giving them more ammo.
You want to prevent them from thinking like this.
And you do that by showing them overwhelming proof of people succeeding who are similar to them.
Make sense?
I hope so.
Cause that’s all I got for ya today.
Enjoy your Tuesday.
– Justin