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In a few weeks, January is gonna be here.

Which means a big surge in sales if you’re selling health, biz opp or personal development stuff.

This happens every year.

And for some businesses they’ll see 2-3x the normal conversions on their offers…


That’s still three weeks away.

You still have three weeks of December to get through first.

And December can be like crawling through a tunnel of shit for a lot of DR businesses.


Cause It’s slow.

And offers don’t convert as well (cause our buyers have other stuff on their mind).

So it’s just not a great month for most people.

Knowing that, here’s what I’d suggest focusing on over the next few weeks…


If you’re the type of person who never takes a vacation, and never relaxes, the end of December is the perfect time to do that.

Most people in our industry “check out” from about mid December until January.

They hardly answer emails.

They might work an hour a day.

But getting things done and making deals is not on their mind. 

So if you’re trying to get shit done over the next few weeks it can be tough sleddin. 

That’s why I recommend taking a break.

Enjoy a week or two off.

Stop working all day, everyday. 

Last year I went to Cabo for 7 days, and didn’t check my email, didn’t do an ounce of work.

And guess what happened?

Nothing changed.

Nobody was trying to get a hold of me.

There wasn’t any fires to put out when I got home.

Cause just like me, everyone else was taking time off as well. 

So again…

If you struggle with taking time off…

Or allowing yourself to relax…

These next few weeeks are the perfect time to do that.

Cause ya ain’t missing anything…

Nobody else is working.

They’re all spending time with their families…

Or sipping margaritas on the beach in Tulum…

So this is a good chance for you to relax and recharge.

Then when January hits, you’ll be ready to roll.

Do with that advice what you will…

But that’s what I’ll be doing.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.