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One of the biggest persuasion lessons you can steal from political campaigns is that people are swayed by completely illogical things…

For example…

The other day I saw a video of Trump at his final campaign stop in Ohio.

In the video, he was riling up the crowd…

And getting them in a tizzy.

But he wasn’t talking about what you’d think a president would be talking about.

There was no mention of the economy…

Or about healthcare…

Or even lashing out at Joe Biden.

There was none of that.

Yet people were going crazy.

So what was he talking about that got the crowd so jacked up?

Ohio State football.


He was talking about how he helped bring football back this year.

And how he was glad to see Ohio State fans so happy. 

And here’s the thing…

Logically you’d think this is not what a president should be talking about. 

However, having lived in Ohio for the first 33 years of my life, I can tell you this was a smart play by Trump.


Because Ohio State football is the most important thing in Ohio.

It’s like religion.

I’d be willing to bet that if you asked 100 random Ohioans to name the governor of Ohio and to name the quarterback for Ohio State, more of them would know the quarterback for Ohio State.

Honest to God.

That’s how important football is there.

And it’s why Trump was smart to focus on it.

Anytime something is important to someone…

And they’re emotional about it…

That’s gonna be a great issue to talk about.

And politicians do this in speeches just like you can do it in copy.

Remember it doesn’t have to be logical…

It just has to matter to THEM.

Keep that in mind.

That’s all I got for ya today.

Enjoy your Wednesday.

– Justin

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