Ever since I sold my coaching program last summer, I’ve been embracing a life of more fun, and less work.
Case in point…
My current workload is about an hour a day.
If I need to create a new course, or write a new report for an opt-in page, then this will go up to two hours.
But on most days, I’m in-and-out in an hour.
Which has really freed me up to do a lot of stuff that I previously didn’t have time for.
So now I have time for things like…
– Hitting the gym 4 or 5 days week
– Spending more time with friends (I was in Vegas last weekend, and in a few weeks me and my buddy Joe are going to LA for WrestleMania)
– Relaxing in the sauna for 40 minutes a day
– Catching up with my sister and my nephew in Charleston for a few days
– Traveling to Mexico for multiple week-long trips with my girlfriend
– Grabbing a two-hour lunch with a smart entrepreneur that I want to learn from
– Getting outside in the sun and walking for 60-90 minutes a day
All of this has become routine for me.
But it wasn’t before.
Cause before my mind was always focused on work.
I was always thinking about how we could grow the business, or who we needed to hire, or a better process we needed to put into place.
That’s what I thought about.
Before, I didn’t even consider taking a weekend trip to see my sister…
Or to hang out with friends in Vegas…
I simply had too much on my plate to do any of that.
But now-a-days that’s flipped.
Now I focus more on the things I want to do, and less on work.
And honestly, I feel so much better.
I’m more relaxed…
Less stressed…
And I simply feel more free.
Maybe this appeals to you…
Maybe it doesn’t…
But if it does appeal to you…
The best way to do the 1-hour workday (so that you can make the most money possible)….
Is to have an email list that you can leverage.
Cause with a list, you can sell to hundreds or thousands of people anytime you wish.
You’re not exhanging hours for dollars.
And if your list grows, you can make 2-3x more money from the same amount of work.
So the list is essential.
And if you don’t have one.
I suggest making it a priority to build one.
Now if you want some help with this…
Back in January I put together an entire training on how to build a highly profitable email list.
That training was so popular that many big name copywriters and marketers like David Deutsch, Ian Stanley, Kim Krause Schwalm, Dan Roitman, Henry Bingaman, Laura Catella, Jason Ferruggia, Rachel Mazza, Randall Pruitt, Scott Mills, Mario Castelli, and Ryan Moran all picked up a copy of it.
However, after Ithe launch was over I completely closed down access to that training.
And since then nobody has been able to buy it.
So after getting pestered multiple times a week by people on my list to sell it again…
I decided to re-open my list building training for a very limited time.
So if you’re interested in building your own list…
One that is full of “people with money”…
And NOT a bunch of freebie-seeking vampires like you’ll find on most lists…
Then this training is for you.
Cause I’m gonna show you how to put people on your list who will happily pull out their credit card and buy from you over and over again.
The cool thing is my “people with money” method works in pretty much every niche out there.
So I’ll be showing you examples from health, investing, dating, astrology, golf, guitar, survival, guns, poker, collectibles, precious metals, fitness, biz op, religion, politics, credit repair, self help and more…
So you’ll get to see plenty of real-world examples of how it works.
And along with that I’m also gonna reveal some of my best kept list building secrets such as…
– How to acquire an 8000-10,000 person email list for free in the next two weeks (yes, I said free)
– The #1 traffic source that puts “people with money” onto your email list (this traffic source beats out Youtube, Facebook and Instagram when it comes to high-value leads)
– The 12 most profitable niches to start your list in (and the 3 niches you should avoid at all costs)
– How to start a list (and instantly profit) even if you’re not an expert and even if nobody knows who you are
– Advanced list building tactics that are bringing in 5000+ leads a day for “big dogs” like Mike Geary, Joel Marion and Russell Brunson
– Which lead magnets work best for attracting “people with money” (and which ones you should avoid)
– The 60-second test that tells you if your lead magnet will convert BEFORE you even create it
– How I turned a massive radio station into my affiliate that sent me 100-120 high-value buyers a day (radio ain’t “sexy” by any means, but the buyers and leads it delivers spend 30-40% more on average than a Facebook buyer)
– Lead magnets that are kicking ass right now in over 16 different niches
– How you can use “list splintering” to double the value of every lead you put on your list (list splintering is used by all the big emailers like Paleohacks, Garage Warrior and more)
– How to legally “hijack” your competitor’s thank you page and filter their best buyers onto YOUR list (this is super ninja and 100% legal)
– Plus much, much more…
So that’s what the list building training is all about.
I put a lot of effort into this training.
And I think it will appeal to you if you…
– Already have a list, and you want to stop dealing with tire kickers and quickly add more PWM (people with money) to your list…
– Currently write copy for clients, but you’d like to have your own list so you can increase your income and escape the “hours for dollars” trap
– You’re currently a coach, expert or consultant who wants to have a list that will buy high-ticket services and programs without balking at the price
– You’re frustrated in a normal job, and you’d love to have a side hustle that makes you good money in the little free time you have available
So if any of those sound like you, I think you’ll probably get a lot out of this training.
Now, as for the price…
Unlike other courses and trainings I’ve done in the past, this one won’t cost $1500.
In fact, it won’t even cost $500…
When I originally released this list building training, I sold it for $197.
So I’m going to honor that price for the re-opening of it today.
So for $197, I’ll walk you through my whole PWM method for building your list of “people with money”.
I can tell you from experience that having a list of PWM is extremely powerful…
And it’s personally allowed me to…
– make $350k in 2018 from a tiny list of 200 people
– routinely make $30k+ simply promoting other people’s products that I believe in (affiliate offers)
– get 70+ people to sign up for a $35,000 coaching program
– work just 1-2 hours a day, and still make on average $55k a month
My list did all of that.
Which is why I’m excited to teach you the secret sauce behind all of this in the training.
I don’t have a fancy sales page to sell you on this.
So if you you’re ready to build (and grow) your own email list…
And fill it with “people with money”…
Simply head over to the checkout page and grab yourself a copy of this training right here.
You’ll be glad you did.
– Justin