Most people think it’s impossible for AI to write emails that match someone’s voice.
But behold this email I just had Claude write in my voice…
Do you struggle to come up with email ideas?
I used to too.
I would sit and stare at my computer for hours…
I’d procrastinate…
I’d waste time checking Facebook…
But recently that’s changed.
Because now I simply use one of my “magic prompts” to get started.
Within just a few minutes of using a magic prompt…
I have a world-class email written for me.
There’s no struggle…
No writing for hours and hours…
I just feed the AI my “magic prompt”…
And it spits out a winning email for me.
The reason these prompts work so well is because they were not created by a programmer, but by an A-list copywriter.
So they have plenty of emotion and persuasion.
That’s why they make so many sales.
And it’s why I think you should pick up a copy of these 21 magical email prompts for yourself today
-> Get the 21 “magic prompts” for world class emails
So that’s the email Claude spit out (with some minor edits by me)…
Overall, it’s a damn good email.
It writes like I do…
It uses short sentences…
And it has a friendly, down-to-earth tone…
So it nailed my voice.
And if you were writing for a guru…
Or an expert…
And you wanted to match their voice…
This “voice cloner” does a damn good job at it.
Much better than the robotic copy you get with most prompts.
So if that interests you…
I suggest picking up the 21 Forbidden Email Prompts I’ve been telling you about.
Cause you’ll get this exact “Voice Cloner” method along with the prompts.
That way you can write emails in any voice you want…
And they’ll sound like the person you’re writing for…
Normally these prompts and the voice cloner are only available to people in Stefan and Mario’s mastermind.
And those people pay $5000 to $30,000 to have access to it.
But until tomorrow night…
You can get all 21 Forbidden Email Prompts…
And the Voice Cloner method…
For just $297.
You can even split that into three payments of $99 if you want.
So it’s a hell of a deal…
But it is only available for one more day.
So if you want to get your hands on the email prompts…
And the voice cloner…
I suggest you snag the whole bundle while you still can right here.
– Justin