Back in 2016, I was supposed to fly back to Ohio and see my family for Thanksgiving – however I never made it.
I had too much work to do.
Our biz was growing like crazy that year.
And we went from a 7 million dollar company to a 23 million dollar company overnight.
So it was all hands on deck…
We had issues with inventory…
We had issues getting new fresh creatives out…
We had issues getting new offers out…
Basically we grew too fast for our infrastructure.
So I didn’t feel comfortable taking any time off.
My “solution” was to just work more…
To push the gas pedal a little harder…
Which can help…
But it’s not a real solution.
It’s just a band-aid.
Cause you can only work so much.
And I was already putting in 12 hour days and working 6-7 days a week.
I didn’t know it at the time, but I was about to hit a wall.
I was spiraling towards burn out.
My whole life had become “work”.
And really it was nobody’s fault but my own.
I allowed this to happen.
Luckily for me, I have a lot more balance in my life now-a-days.
And instead of working 70 hours a week…
I work about 30 hours a week.
Which is a better fit for me.
But I wanted to share this story with you cause I thought it was particularly fitting with the holidays approaching.
If you find yourself working all day on Thanksgiving…
Or sneaking away during Christmas to knock out a few emails…
Just know that there is a better way.
There’s no special award for working on holidays.
No one is gonna think you’re a better entrepreneur cause you’re slaving away on your laptop instead of spending time with your family.
Take it from someone who did this for years.
There’s a better way…
One that will allow you to make a bunch of money and to have some balance in your life.
Something to keep in mind during the holidays…
– Justin