A great question rolled into my inbox from Rand this week…
“You talked a few days ago about not just focusing on the money you want to make, but also other lifestyle factors that are important to you. Can you elaborate on this? What are the other factors you look at”
For sure.
And I’ll preface this with saying that I used to be the guy who ONLY focused on money.
I didn’t care what I had to do to get it.
So I worked like a dog, stressed myself out, and was generally a pretty miserable dude.
Having learned my lesson (a few times), I now have multiple lifestyle factors I filter for.
And it starts with…
1. Stress – Every choice I make in my business I look at how much stress it’s going to add to my life.
I don’t want to chase money at all costs.
Making an extra million dollars next year is not worth it to me if it means I’m going to be working 80 hours a week.
That’s not for me.
So I always ask myself how much stress this is going to add to my life.
Which kind of ties in with the second thing I filter for…
2. Enjoyment – I know several entrepreneurs who make 7-figures a year, yet they’re pretty miserable.
Cause they built a business they don’t actually enjoy.
They knew it would make money.
And people would buy stuff from them…
But they don’t actually enjoy the day-to-day of what they have to do.
Which is not a fun spot to be in.
If you’re going to do this for 5-10 years, you better enjoy what you’re doing day-to-day.
So I highly recommend you filter for enjoyment…
Now the last filter I’m gonna share is equally as important as the first two (maybe even more important).
3. Time – For me, I’m at a point in my life that I’m NOT interested in doing the 60-80 hour work week.
I don’t want a jam-packed schedule from 7 AM-7PM.
I don’t want to be on calls all day.
That doesn’t interest me.
I want more free time.
I want to be able to go to yoga at noon if I choose.
Or hang at the park for an hour or two…
That matters to me.
I want a business that makes me the money I want, without me grinding 60 hours a week.
And I’d say right now I’m doing that.
On average I work around 30 hours a week.
Some days I work 2-3 hours.
Others it’s 5-6.
Just depends what’s going on.
And that works for me.
Sure there’s times I wind-up working a little more (like right now before our event)…
But overall I’m happy with my schedule.
And that’s a big change from where I was just a few years ago.
One thing I’ll leave ya with before I wrap this up.
It’s very tempting to just chase money at the expense of everthing else.
I understand it.
I was that guy for many years.
But I can tell ya from multiple experiences with burnout that it’s not sustainable.
You need to filter for things like time…
And enjoyment.
I promise you’ll be a lot happier if you do this.
Your life will be more fun.
You’ll feel more passion for what you do.
And you’ll look forward to work each day.
That’s a big difference from being miserable…
And burnt out.
So I suggest you take this to heart.
You’ll be better off because of it.
That’s all I got for today.
Enjoy your Friday,
– Justin

There’s a post-pandemic boom coming soon to the direct response industry.
With this “boom” that’s coming, more money will flow into the hands of copywriters and offer owners than ever before.
So if you want to get in on this…
And potentially make life-changing money, then make sure you give this a read…