Last week when I got home after our event in Scottsdale, my plan was to simply take it easy and relax for a few days.
This is what I usually do after events.
My body is exhuasted…
So both my body and mind need a few days to recover.
However last week I didn’t follow through on this and take any time off.
I just kept working…
Hell, I even went out with some friends last weekend when I got home.
Which I’m now realizing was a big mistake.
Cause all this caused me to feel “off” this whole last week.
I wasn’t motivated to write my emails every morning…
My focus wasn’t as sharp as usual…
Everything just felt “blah”.
I needed some time off…
Some time to decompress.
And I simply didn’t do it, cause I thought I could power-through.
Wanted to share this with you because I think it’s an important point to realize.
Just like Lebron James doesn’t go 100% every single day of the year, neither should you.
Your body (and your mind) need breaks.
You need days off…
You need weeks off…
I have to fly out to Traffic & Conversion tonight, but once I’m back, I’m going to plan a few down days for myself.
Cause my body is begging for it.
Point being, there’s no trophy for trying to go pedal to the metal every day.
Take days off when you need it.
You’ll feel much better…
Think clearer…
And be more creative…
So keep that in mind.
Enjoy your Saturday,
– Justin