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Over the last few days I talked to 13 different people who bought the recordings from my Email Experts event (this is the offer I’ve been selling since Wednesday)…

And from talking to these buyers…

One BIG thing stood out to me…

Out of all the videos and trainings I gave them on email marketing…

They only cared about the list building part of the program.

That was their main focus…

They just wanted to know how to build a list…

And further more…

While the recordings were great…

What they really wanted was MY HELP with their list building efforts. 

So they didn’t just want a course showing them how to do it…

They wanted me to help them do it…

Meaning they wanted me to answer their questions…

And to give them feedback as they built their email list.

So after hearing that…

I decided to make some drastic changes to the offer over the weekend.

I redid the entire sales page to just focus on the list building aspect.

I made it a lot simpler…

And easier to understand.

And then I also added an entire new part to the program…

Which is 6 weeks of coaching calls with me.

So for 6 weeks, I’m going to be on a call with everyone who buys the program…

I’ll be answering your questions…

Showing you what to do…

And more importantly, rooting you on as you build your email list. 

So that’s the new offer.

It’s a lot simpler.

And more in line with what you want.

So if that interests you…

I suggest checking out the NEW sales page I put together for ya right here.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.