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“I will never write a scammy sales page like that”

Back in 2008 when I first got into the info-product space, I quickly noticed that all the offers I saw had these really long, scammy-looking sales pages.

“Who the hell would buy something from this?” I thought.

I didn’t get it.

The pages were ugly as shit…

They had a bunch of yellow highlights on ’em…

And all of the copy sounded super hypey.

I thought there was no way they would convert.

So I decided to try my own thing.

I had some success in affiliate marketing up until this point, so I thought I knew better.

So I setup a short sales page for my fitness ebook.

It was a headline, a few bullet points and an order  button.

Basically it was about 2 pages long.

And I sent it to my list.

The result?


I think we made 4 sales in total after emailing about it for an entire week.   

And as embarrassing as that was…

Here’s what’s even worse…

I still didn’t believe that my approach was wrong!

I thought my list just wasn’t a buyers list.

So what did I do?

I kept trying this same type of sales page for nearly a year and a half with no results.

At the time I was scraping by financially.

I think I was living off $30k a year.

Basically doing odd jobs like SEO, and freelance copy gigs for other people.

So sooner or later I needed to figure this out.

Cause I needed money.

What’s funny is that around this same time, my business partner (who used direct response for his gym business) told me I needed to listen to this guy named “Dan Kennedy”.

I’d never heard of him.

So he gave me a box of Dan Kennedy dvd’s about copywriting.

I remember popping one in my dvd player and laughing at the quality.

It was all grainy.

His mic sounded horrible.

I was about to turn the damn thing off, when he mentioned something about “an ugly 8-page letter that pulled in $1.2 million in sales”.

That caught my attention.

So I kept watching…

Over the course of that day I was glued to my TV   as Dan showed example after example of ads that were pulling in millions of dollars.

My entire reality was shattered.

I quickly realized that I didn’t know everything…

And that I needed to start doing the same stuff that guys like Dan Kennedy were doing.

So I did…

I dove head-first into copywriting.

And busted my ass to get good at it.

About two years after my “awakening”, I launched my first offer on cold traffic (called The 31 Day Fat Loss Cure).

That offer wound up being a big hit on Clickbank that year.

And made me over $103k in profit in just 3 months.

And while that was a huge win for me at the time…

The lesson I learned from this whole saga was even more important.

Cause I learned that I’m not smarter than the market.

And if something is working over and over again (like ugly sales pages were back then) then I should just do that and not try and reinvent the wheel. 

That was a million dollar lesson for me.

And one I’m glad I learned.

Cause it’s made me a lot of dough since then…

And if you want to know what’s working now when it comes offers, ads, upsells and more…

Then I highly suggest you grab a ticket to our upcoming Copy Accelerator event. 

The clock is ticking on this…

And we will most likely close the ticket sales at the end of next week.

So if you want to learn from Stefan and I…

As well as superstars like Dan Ferrari, Carline Anglade-Cole, Mike Buontempo, Marcella Allison, Emily Lark, Amber Spears and David Deutsch…

Then I suggest grabbing a ticket while you still can.

The normal price of our event tix are $2950.

But since this is a virtual event, we changed it to $1450.

So it’s a hell of a deal…

You can get all the info on the event…

And read up on what each speaker will be talking about at the link below…

-> Copy Accelerator virtual event  

Hope to see ya there…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.