Earlier this week, my buddy Ian Stanley, mailed his list about a new report I wrote called The Direct Response Millionaire Blueprint.
In honor of that blueprint officially being released…
I want to tell you about one of the biggest “ah ha” moments that helped me to become a millionaire.
This is something I wish I knew sooner.
So I’m gonna share it with you today…
Here it is…
If you want to get rich, increasing your income matters a lot more than cutting your expenses
If you read personal finance books…
Or browse the Reddit personal finance threads…
Nearly everything you see is about cutting expenses.
It’s all about spending less.
Hardly anyone talks about making more money.
Which is a mistake.
Cause it took me a long time to realize that making more money is the biggest needle mover when it comes to getting wealthy.
For example…
Back when I was starting out in affiliate marketing, I was making like $25k or $30k a year.
I was barely scraping by…
Living in an apartment that was $250 a month…
I wasn’t able to save anything.
I wasn’t able to invest.
I was just trying to survive.
But a few years later, my income shot up and I made somewhere around $110k that year.
That was life changing money for me.
I was able to save a good chunk of that money.
And really increase my net worth.
What’s more…
I realized that all the penny pinching I was doing was really not the answer if I wanted to get rich.
I needed to put more focus on making money.
Cause the reality is that you can only cut so much.
Especially if you’re making $30k like I was.
However, when I started focusing on making more money, that’s when things really changed for me.
I started consistently making 6-figures a year…
Eventually I went from making $220k a year…
To $700k a year…
To $2.2 million in a year (my best year ever)…
This big jump in income made my net worth shoot up…
I was able to save a lot of dough…
And invest it.
Before I knew it, I was a multi-millionaire at the age of 33.
Now this might seem way out of reach to you right now…
Especially if you’re struggling like I was…
But my main point still stands…
If you really want to move the needle with your wealth, your focus should be on increasing your income…
That’s what matters.
Sure, cutting frivilous expenses is smart…
But nothing moves the needle more with your wealth than making more money.
And as obvious as that is to me now…
Most people don’t get it.
You won’t find that advice in most personal finance books.
But that’s what matters.
If you want to get rich, you have to focus on increasing your income.
And luckily in our industry this is possible.
You’re not relegated to a measly 3% raise each year.
You can make huge leaps in income just like I did.
So I suggest you turn your focus there.
Stop worrying about the crap that doesn’t matter…
And just focus on increasing your income.
Make sense?
I hope so.
Cause that’s all I got for ya today.
BTW if you want to read my Direct Response Millionaire Blueprint, you can give it a read here.
I think you’ll dig it.
– Justin

If you’re a copywriter or an offer owner that’s serious about increasing your income, then you should come hang with me for 2.5 days next month at this event -> more details