Note: I have a bunch of stuff to prepare for our Copy Accelerator call this morning, so today’s email is a re-send of one of my favorites about not forcing things to happen. Enjoy.
One of the tidbits I put in a previous email about “letting things come to you” seems to have struck a chord, so I want to expand on it…
If you missed that email, here’s the gist…
Basically when I was in my 20’s, I was in a BIG hurry to be successful.
I wanted to be millionaire by the age of 30.
So I was always PRESSING.
I felt like I had to make it happen right away.
And because of this I was always “tight”.
And anxious…
I didn’t let things happen.
I tried to force a round peg into a square hole no matter what.
And while I made good money in my 20’s, I didn’t come anywhere close to being a millionaire by 30.
One big shift I’ve made in my 30’s is simply not being so tight…
I’m not in such a hurry to make things happen.
Cause I’ve seen better results this way.
I’m not trying to force stuff.
I just let things happen a bit.
This isn’t to say I’m not ambitious…
Or that I don’t work hard…
Far from it.
But I’m not hell-bent on making things happen right away.
Honestly, it’s kind of a hard concept to explain.
But if you’re ever around a really wealthy person, they’re usually like this.
They just kind of expect things to work out.
So they don’t force things.
And from the outside it looks like things just come naturally to them.
Like money just pours into their pockets…
Part of this is that they’re not as triggered by money as most people.
But a big part of it is they simply go with the flow, and let things happen.
I learned a long time ago that money doesn’t flow to people who are tight.
It flows to people who are comfortable with it.
Which is why you need to let things come to you a little more.
I know this is kind of weird concept.
And it’s not the easiest to explain…
But it’s something I’ve learned in my 30’s that I wish I knew 10 years ago…
So I hope ya get some insight from it…
Enjoy your Tuesday.
– Justin