A few years back I wrote an email promoting a greens powder that was so controversial that it brought in over $1.4 million in sales.
Here’s the story…
At the time I was struggling to come up with a good angle to promote our greens powder…
Cause all the “normal” stuff felt boring.
Things like having more energy…
Or feeling younger…
Or getting all your nutrients in one scoop…
I didn’t want to write that crap.
I knew it wouldn’t stick.
So instead of doing what everyone else was doing…
I went the other direction.
I went controversial.
By taking dead aim at a similar product that I knew our target market of 70 and 80 year olds were using…
V8 Juice.
If you don’t know what V8 Juice is, it’s a juice that’s full of fruits and vegetables.
And it’s a staple among old people.
I remember watching my grandma religiously drink it every morning.
She loved the taste…
And she thought it was good for her…
So when I was drumming up ideas for promoting my greens powder…
I decided to create controversy around our enemy, V8 Juice.
And it was quite easy to do…
Cause V8 Juice is touted as healthy…
Yet it’s loaded with processed sodium.
So I simply took that fact…
And I turned it into a controversial email that was all about how…
V8 Juice is WORSE for your heart than McDonald’s french fries!
That was the email.
I simply showed them that V8 Juice had about 3x the amount of sodium that McDonald’s french fries had.
So even though it was supposed to be “heart healthy”…
It was anything but that.
And then at the end of the email…
I just mentioned that if they wanted a healthier juice to drink every morning…
They should pick up Patriot Power Greens (our greens powder).
That was all it took.
That email turned into a huge winner.
And it brought in over $1.4 million in sales for us in just a few months…
And the reason that email worked so well…
Is because it was controversial.
That’s the key.
Controversy pulls people in…
And it gets them to buy.
So I highly suggest using controversy in your emails if you want to make sales.
You can use controversy to sell supplements…
You can use it to sell courses…
You can use it to sell ecomm products.
You can use it to sell coaching…
It works for everything.
Obviously you can write a controversial themed email yourself if you wish…
But if you want some help with it…
I suggest using the “forbidden controversy” AI prompt that my buddy Mario Castelli put together.
He already did all the hard work for you…
So all you gotta do is plop his prompt into ChatGPT…
And within seconds…
You’ll have a killer “controversial email” that sucks people in….
And makes the cash register ring.
So if that floats your boat…
I highly suggest picking up Mario’s 21 Forbidden Email Prompts today…
Normally these prompts are only available to people in Mario’s mastermind…
And they’re paying between $5,000 and $30,000 to have access to it…
For the next few days…
Mario is offering up all of his best-performing email prompts…
For just $297.
Which is a heck of a deal.
You can even split that into three payments of $99 if you want…
That way it’s easier on your cash flow.
So that’s the deal…
Like I said, these email prompts are legit…
And actually produce A-level copy…
So if you’re interested in using them…
You can see all 21 prompts you’re getting here.
I will warn you though…
This is a limited time deal…
And it won’t be available forever…
So if you want to get your hands on it…
I suggest snagging a copy of it right here.
– Justin