“Dude you should just work with Brent, and stop wasting your time with all this other stuff”
I still remember when Ian Stanley said this to me back in 2017.
I had just gotten back from Tony Robbins’ $5000 event, “Date With Destiny”…
It was an 8-day long event…
And during those 8-days, I learned all kinds of new stuff about emotions, leadership, relationships and more.
After the event, I was a true believer in Tony.
It was unlike anything I’d ever seen.
So when Ian immediately started telling me that I should just ignore all that stuff and work with his coach, Brent Charleton, I was very turned off.
Cause from my perspective, Ian didn’t understand what a Tony Robbins event was like…
I had been through it.
And it had a very deep impact on me.
So when Ian kept telling me that working with Brent would be better than all the other stuff I was doing, I really didn’t believe him.
So instead of taking his advice and working with Brent…
I just ignored him for the better part of seven months.
Every time he brought up “Brent” my eyes would roll and I’d tune him out.
I didn’t want to hear it.
But luckily for me…
Ian was persistant.
And after the high from the Tony Robbins event wore off, I found myself falling back into a lot of my old habits.
I was beating myself up…
I was always angry…
And I fell back into my work-a-holic ways putting in 12 hour days everyday of the week.
Which started to wear me down.
So at that point, I decided I needed to do something about it.
So I shot an email to Brent, and signed up for a 4-day intensive with him.
I didn’t know what to expect.
But after that 4-day intensive, my life was forever changed.
And I don’t say that lightly.
Anyone who knew me pre-Brent, would tell you I’m an entirely different person now.
Now-a-days, I find it much easier to make money (I don’t have a lot of the blocks that I used to have, so money seems to flow my way a lot easier).
I’m much more comfortable charging high fees when I do copywriting projects or consulting (I used to be terrified of this).
I’m a 10x better coach and mentor, now that I’ve cleared out a bunch of my own crap, and I can focus on the people I’m helping…
My dating life has improved dramatically, and I’m able to actually connect with women (whereas before I was always putting on a mask).
And probably the biggest win for me is that I see my own worth now. I grew up thinking I was a piece of shit and didn’t deserve anything.
But after working with Brent, I don’t feel that way.
I see my own value.
And I’m confident in who I am as a person.
Which you really can’t put a price on.
Cause that piece alone has completely changed my outlook on life, and how I feel each day.
I could go on and on with more examples of how Brent’s work has helped me…
But you get the point.
I’ve done damn near every personal development training out there…
I’ve read all the books…
I’ve done therapy with 6 different therapists…
And nothing has had the impact on me that working with Brent has.
And that leads me to the reason I’m writing you this email.
Here’s the deal…
For the last 15 years, Brent has worked exclusively with 1-on-1 clients.
And his roster of clients is pretty impressive in the marketing world…
It’s guys like me, Ian, Dan Ferrari, Nick Daniel, Ed Scow, Steve Gray, Peter Tzemis, Jason Capital, Henry Bingaman, Alec Rosa, Mike Abramov (and a bunch more)…
Everyone on that list continues to work with Brent year after year.
However there’s one big issue to working with Brent.
It’s insanely expensive.
His current rates are $125,000 for a year.
And on top of that, he has a two year waiting list to work with him.
So most people simply can’t work with him.
This is why I’ve been breathing down his neck for him to put out a course that would allow more people to experience his work without the $125k price tag.
And after nearly two years of harassing Brent to do this…
He finally did it.
He created an amazing course detailing his 1-page “correction method” that helps you fix all the mental and emotional blocks holding you back in regards to money, imposter syndrome, procrastination and more…
This is the exact method I’ve been using with Brent since 2018.
And it’s changed my life.
So I have a feeling it will help you if you too.
I’ll have more details for you tomorrow when the course launches…
But if you’re interested in getting rid of the mental and emotional blocks that are holding you back in regards to making money, charging more, procrastination, feeling like an imposter and just generally feeling like you deserve it…
Then this is for you.
Like I said, I’ll have more details for you on Brent’s new course tomorrow.
So be on the lookout for an email from me tomorrow.
One thing I’ll leave you with…
Out of all the money I’ve spent over the years on masterminds, coaching, ayahuasca ceremonies, mindset help and personal development courses…
The money I’ve spent with Brent has by far had the biggest impact on my life.
Which is why I’m probably his biggest evangelist…
I’ve already sent him 10-12 new clients (without being compensated for sending them)…
So that’s how much I believe in his stuff.
So if you’re interested in getting past the blocks you have that are holding you back, I highly suggest checking out my email tomorrow about his new “correction method” course.
I’ll have all the details for ya in there.
Talk soon,
– Justin