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One of the things I continuously preach is that you don’t want to try to win someone else’s game when it comes to your business and your life (cause if you do, you’ll end up successful but miserable)

I’ll give you an example of what I mean.

I have a friend back in Ohio who spent 10+ years of his life going to school to be a dentist.

He went to undergrad for 4 years…

Dental school for 4 years…

And then he did a 2-year residency…

And after all of that training, he’s now a very successful dentist.

I don’t know exactly how much money he makes, but if I had to guess it’s around $400k-$500k a year.

So he’s doing well…

And everyone in his family is super proud of him. 

His mom is always bragging about him…

And posting pictures on Facebook showing off his new house and his family…

On the surface, it looks like he has it all.

He acheived the American Dream.

But here’s the thing…

I know this guy personally…

And he’s not living any kind of dream.

He’s fucking miserable.


He hates being a dentist.

He wakes up every morning dreading going into the office. 

He can’t stand the thought of spending another day inside someone’s mouth. 

But he feels like he’s stuck…

He’s got student loans up the wazoo…

A mortgage…

And a bunch of people relying on him.

So he can’t just walk away from it.

Which is a weird spot to be in.

Cause he IS successful.

But it’s NOT his version of success.

He didn’t win HIS game.

He won someone else’s game.

Which is why I always preach that you want to make sure that you win YOUR game.

Not your parents game…

Or the Instagram game…

But YOUR game. 

That means doing what YOU want…

Living how YOU want…

And going after what’s meaningful to YOU…

That’s the key.

That’s how you have a good life.

Cause remember…

Even if you end up winning someone else’s game, you still lose. 

– Justin

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