“I’m still uncomfortable charging a lot of money for what is essentially information“
This is something my buddy Chris said to me at dinner last night.
We were both enjoying some ribeyes at Perry’s…
And Chris mentioned his biggest struggle with his coaching business is charging more money.
The idea of charging more made him physically uncomfortable.
So he was scared to do it.
I used to struggle with similar things when I was a freelancer…
So I gave Chris a few things to think about.
Here’s essentially what I told him…
1. Your price should be based on what it’s worth to your clients, NOT what you’re comfortable charging.
2. Most hang-ups around charging more are in your own head and really have nothing to do with what the client would or would not pay.
3. You want to come from the angle that “this is my price and if thats a fit for you, great…if not, then no biggie”.
Some people will say “no”.
Others will say “yes”…
But your price is your price.
4. And lastly, you need to look at this as a win-win.
If they take you up on your coaching, they are winning and so are you.
In fact, if your program is awesome and it will change their life, then you should have the belief that this is the best way for them to spend their money.
That’s one thing I always stress at our Copy Accelerator events.
If someone signs up for Copy Accelerator and actually puts in the effort, they will get a HUGE ROI.
We’ve never not had someone get amazing results if they put in the effort.
And because of that, I truly believe that joining Copy Accelerator is the best way for them to spend their money.
Which is the kind of belief you need…
You want to be “all in” on what you’re selling.
Cause that will remove a lot of the friction you feel when it comes to charging more.
So there ya go…
That’s a few of the mindsets that have helped me when it comes to charging higher prices.
I know a lot of people struggle with this…
So hopefully you got a nugget or two that will help you.
That’s all I got for ya today…
Enjoy your Thursday,
– Justin