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I don’t usually engage in calling out other people in the copywriting space, but today I’m making an exception.


Cause over the last two days I watched a specific “email guru” write some pretty shitty emails.

His emails weren’t persuasive…

And nothing about ’em was unique…

It was boiler-plate, C-level copy…

But here’s the thing…

This guy bills himself as an “email expert”.

He sells courses on writing email copy…

And he even coaches other email writers…

So I think he deserves to be called out for his shitty emails this week.

So who’s this guru I’m calling out?

His name is Justin Goff.

That’s right…

I’m calling myself out. 


Cause for the past two days I wrote some pretty sub par emails (at least by my standards).

They were a grind to write…

And when I pressed “send” on those emails, I didn’t feel good about ’em.

Maybe you can relate to this…

Maybe not…

But I can tell ya this happens to even the best copywriters.

We all have bad days.

The idea that every single thing you write will be a banger is just not realistic.

Some things you write will be great…

Others will be average… 

And then you’ll have some stinkers in their as well.

It happens to everyone.

So my advice?

Don’t be too hard on yourself when it happens.

It’s normal.

And it happens to guys like me, just like it happens to you. 

So just accept it, and move on.

That’s my 2 cents…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.