I got a bunch of emails over the weekend from readers wondering why they hadn’t gotten an email from me in a few days…
Some people thought they had been removed from my list…
Others were frantically checking their spam folders…
And since I don’t want to leave ya hangin…
Here’s a little update…
The reason I haven’t been emailing you…
And the reason I won’t be emailing you for the next week or so is simple…
I’m taking a mid-year break.
Well I’ve learned the hard way that if I don’t take breaks at least three times a year…
Then I burn out.
I lose interest in writing…
And my creativity goes down the shitter.
Obviously I don’t want that happening…
So my focus right now is simply getting away from my computer…
Getting outside…
And unplugging from work.
So that’s what I’m doing.
I’m four days into my break, and I can already tell my mind needed this.
I feel more at ease…
And more relaxed…
So I’m gonna keep the break going for another week…
I’ll probably be back next Tuesday or so writing emails again.
So until then…
Enjoy your week…
And if you feel like you need a break…
Give yourself permission to take it…
– Justin