I woke up this morning to a rather charged email ranting about my coach (Brent Charleton) and his new course I’ve been promoting…
This whole thing reeks of a woo-woo scam. It sounds like you and Ian and all the other guys got swept up under this guy’s spell, and are now trying to make a buck off his course.
I showed your Youtube video to my wife last night (who’s a licensed therapist), and even she thinks something is fishy.
I usually trust your advice. Now I’m not so sure.
Hey this is a valid concern…
And I understand why someone would think that Brent’s method sounds “too good to be true”.
I mean he talks about how he can fix (or severely diminish) any “block” you have that’s holding you back from starting a business, making more money, getting your writing done on time, going after the clients you want etc…
People have even claimed his stuff has helped them to lose weight, talk to girls easier, feel confident about their body, have less fights with their spouse and a whole lot more.
So I can understand why people are skeptical.
It sounds like a “magic bullet”.
And most of the time “magic bullets” don’t exist.
However I will say that Brent’s work is the closest thing to a magic bullet that I’ve found for fixing the problems in your life that are holding you back.
His work has helped me more than ayahuasca, Tony Robbins, Landmark, traditional therapy, and meditation combined.
And the reason it works so well is because it gets to the root cause of your issues.
It’s not surface level self-help.
It works at the core.
And as a result of that, I’ve been able to…
– charge the fees that I know my stuff is worth
– get past my writer’s block and the perfectionism I have with writing
– talk to women without worrying about them rejecting me
– keep my emotions in check and communicate how I feel with business partners (I had a tendency to bottle everything up before Brent, and then explode on the people I worked with)
– erase my “people pleasing” tendencies (this was a big difference in both my business and dating life)
– have a better relationship w/food and all the issues I have with Crohn’s disease
– make money easier than ever before
– live a life that’s more authentically “me” instead of trying to put on an act, or a mask like I used to
All that is a result of working with Brent.
So what he teaches is definitely not a scam.
It’s the real deal.
I will say, I was initially weary of his stuff cause I’m probably the least woo-woo person you’ll ever meet.
So when he started talking about how he was gonna help me remove my “blocks” by giving my “inner child” and my “inner teen” what they never got when I was growing up, my B.S. detector started going off.
It sounded a little far-fetched…
And frankly too woo-woo for my taste…
But after I did my first “correction” with Brent…
That skepticism quickly faded.
Cause after the correction, I felt like a massive 100 lb weight had been taken off my shoulders…
I was lighter…
And not so tight…
It was obvious to me that his work was operating on a deeper level than the stuff I had tried before.
This is why I’ve been such a big evangelist for him over the last five years.
Back when Brent and Ian Stanley ran in-person workshops, I sent probably 50-60 people to those workshops.
I’ve also sent him 10-12 private clients that I know of.
And I’ve done all that without being compensated or paid for any of it.
I do it because I believe in his work that much.
And that’s really the main reason why I’m eagerly sharing his new course with you this week.
I know it will change your life if you use it.
And frankly, for $997 his course is an absolute steal.
Cause it costs $125,000 to work with him 1-on-1.
And his course literally shows you the same method that he uses with 1-on-1 clients.
So it’s a hell of a deal…
He even has an entire fill-in-the-blank template for you on how to do the corrections.
All it takes is a simple sheet of notebook paper…
And about 20 minutes of your time…
And you’ll be on your way to removing the blocks around perfectionism, procrastination, money (and more) that are holding you back.
Also… I know Brent is doing 4 LIVE group calls with anyone that buys the course this week.
So he’s going to walk you through his whole correction method and answer any questions you have.
Which will be extremely valuable if you like having someone alongside of you helping you while you go through it (I know I like having that).
PLUS on top of that, I decided I’m gonna sweeten the pot for you with a special bonus of my own.
If you pick up Brent’s course this week through my affiliate link, you’re going to get an invite to a 2-day “Fun in the Sun” mastermind I’m hosting at my house in Austin.
The mastermind will be on May 27th and 28th (this is a Saturday and Sunday).
And what we’ll do is mastermind on day 1, and I’ll be there to give you 1-on-1 feedback on things like scaling your business, dialing in your offer, improving your copy, getting clients etc…
And then on day 2 we’ll have a pool party at my house where we’ll be grilling up some delicious food, hanging in the sun, and making connections.
This laid-back environment is perfect for you to meet clients, affiliate partners, media buyers and the like.
Plus, I’ll probably invite a bunch of the big name marketers in Austin to join us as well at the pool party.
So it should be an amazing weekend.
One note on this though…
Based on previous events I’ve hosted at my house, I know I only have room for about 55 people.
So the invite to the mastermind will only be open to the first 55 people who pick up Brent’s course through my affiliate link.
So if you want a spot in the mastermind…
I suggest not dilly-dallying and waiting to the last minute.
If your curiosity has been piqued…
And you’re ready to get rid of the blocks that are holding you back with business, money, relationships and more…
Simply head over to Brent’s website, and you can get all the info and grab your copy of his course right here.
– Justin