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Over the weekend I saw an interesting post on Twitter by a journalist who was baffled that Dustin Johnson (a pro golfer) was NOT motivated to play golf simply for the love of the game.

Basically Dustin said that his motive was based around making money and having more free time.

Which I found refreshing.

Cause most people are scared to admit this.

They know they’ll get shit for saying that money is a primary motivator for them. 

However the reality is that most people are motivated by money…

The guy who sweeps the floors at your kid’s school isn’t motivated by seeing clean floors.

And the lady scooping your chicken at Chipotle isn’t motivated by providing a great dining experience for you. 

They’re both doing it for the money.

And guess what?

They probably don’t have any qualms about it.

They’re trying to support themselves.

So I don’t have any problem with people being motivated by money (whether that’s a wealthy pro golfer or a restaurant worker making minimum wage).

One thing I can tell you though…

Is that money shouldn’t be your only motivation.

Cause you’ll end up miserable if that’s the case.

Like for me, money is probably my second motivator.

My main motivater is having the freedom to do what I want…

So for me, I’d never take a job somewhere (even if it was paying me $10 million a year) where I had a boss telling me what to do for 12 hours a day.

That’s a no go for me.

So while the money is a big motivator for me…

The freedom is the biggest motivator.

Point being…

It helps to get clear on what your motivators are.

You have to know yourself…

And know what matters to you.

And if money is one of those motivators, then be proud of that.

There’s no shame in wanting to make more money.

It’s your life, so go after what you want. 

– Justin 

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