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After every launch I do I like to share the results of the launch and the lessons I learned with you.


So that you can take what I learned…

And use it to make yourself (or your clients) some moolah.

Sound good?

Alright, let’s get into it…

The launch I just wrapped up last night was for Jerrod Harlan and Tanner Henkel’s “7 Figure Email Machine”.

It was sold on a payment plan of $97 upfront and then three future payments of $297. 

This was my third time promoting their offer.

The first time I promoted it, I did 33 sales (my list was much smaller back then).

The second time I did 96 sales.

And this time, I did 69 sales.

Based on previous offers I’ve run with the payment plan I used this time, I should make around $22k off the promo.

Which I’m happy with.

I wasn’t expecting a homerun that made me $80k or anything like that.

So $22k is cool with me.

Now usually I have some new lessons I learn from each launch that I share with you…

But this one the lessons were a little different (especially the second one)…

So let’s dig into those…

1. If something works to your list, keep promoting it until it doesn’t work anymore

Many, many years ago I used to believe that you could only promote something to your list once.

I assumed that once you promoted it, all the people who were going to buy, bought… 

Which is incredibly stupid.

And couldn’t be more wrong.

The truth is you should always promote a winning offer more than once.  

In fact, you should promote it until it stops converting…

For me, that usually means promoting something with a launch once or twice a year.

Remember a good offer is a good offer (especially if it’s evergreen).

And it’ll most likely work just as well today as it did last year.

So keep promoting it.

Alright let’s hop to the second lesson I had from this launch…

2.  I made a conscious decision to just “coast” in August and to take it easy, and I’m glad I did

From past experience I know August is usually not a great month for DR offers.

People are out enjoying the last bits of summer…

And kids are going back to school…

So sales are usually lower than they are in the fall months.

So I decided ahead of time that August would be a laidback month for me.

I wouldn’t be launching anything new…

Or having any BIG promos…

My plan was just to promote good, solid offers that I already had emails written for from previous campaigns.

That way I could re-use those emails…

And still make decent money without having to do a bunch of work.

This is all based on my belief that you can only “go hard” so often. 

If you try to “go hard” all the time, you won’t last.

So I’d rather put more effort into the good sales months like September, October and January.

And then take it easy during the slower months.

So that’s a big picture lesson I wanted to share with you.

Others may disagree with my philosophy…

But it’s worked well for me…

I’m a big believer in having times where you’re really pushing on the gas, and having times where you’re taking it easy.

So there ya go…

Those are a few of the lessons I had from the launch. 

Hope you got a nugget or two from this.

Enjoy your Monday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.