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After every email promo I do, I like to share at least one big lesson I learned from the promo with you.


That way you can take the lesson…

And use it to make yourself (or your clients) a bunch of dough…

Sound good?

Alright let’s dig in…

The offer I promoted last week was a re-launch for my training on how to build a big email list with low-priced pocket change offers.

Overall I made 124 sales at $197 each.

So I’ll make around $24k when all is said and done. 

That’s a solid “single” for me in baseball terms.

It wasn’t huge…

But it wasn’t a bomb either…

The interesting thing though was that sales were a little lower than I was expecting.

Usually when I re-launch an offer, I make around 50% of what it made the first time I promoted it.

And the first time I promoted this one, I made $66k…

So I was expecting to make around $33k…

But this time we only brought in $24k.

I’m not sure why that is…

I did the same things I usually do…

I re-used the emails from the previous promo…

I ran it for a set number of days with a deadline…

But for some reason the sales were a little slower this time than I expected.

I have one thought as to why it could be…

And that’s the fact that I didn’t add a whole lot of new people to my list between the first promo and the promo this past week.

Usually I’m adding a couple thousand people to my list over the course of 3-4 months…

But recently I’ve added a lot less than that.

So my gut tells me, that may have been the culprit.

I don’t know for sure…

But that’s the hunch I have.


The lower than expected sales was a good reminder that you always want to be adding new people to your list.

You don’t want to get lazy in this department like I did. 

The more fresh people you put on your list, the better your backend offers will perform.

Make sense?

I hope so.

Cause that’s all I got for ya today.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.