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After every launch I do I like to share the big lessons I learned from the launch with you.


So that way you can take the lessons I learned…

And use ’em to make yourself some dough…

Sound good?

Alright, let’s hop into it.

So the launch I just wrapped up was for my List Building Accelerator/Email Experts program.

Overall I did 191 sales.

Some of those sales paid in full…

While others took the payment plan…

But if the payment plan plays out like it has in the past for me, I’ll pull in around $131k from this launch.

Which is really good.

However, my profit margins for this launch aren’t what they normally are.

Cause there were a lot of expenses… 

Everything from running an event…

To paying top-tier copywriters to write the sales page…

To video editing…

So the profit margins aren’t what they usually are.

But overall, I’m happy with how the offer performed to my list.

So with that said…

Let’s dig in to the big lesson from the launch…

So for a little backstory…

When the offer launched on day one, the sales were slow.

Real slow.

And that slowness continued into day two.

This was a big issue because I had a bunch of affiliates onboard to promote the offer.

So when they sent people to the sales page…

They weren’t making sales. 

So after seeing that…

I hit up all the affiliates and told them to stop sending emails.

I didn’t want them wasting their time promoting something that wasn’t gonna make them any money.

Which was a huge bummer.

Cause I originally planned on affiliates making around 150-200 sales during this launch.

So without the affiliates…

I knew the launch would do a lot less sales than I predicted.

So after the affiliates stopped promoting…

I took some time to figure out why the offer wasn’t converting.

Was it the copy?

Was it the price?

Was it the offer?

I talked to everyone I knew and asked their opinion.

Kevin Rogers gave me feedback for a good 25 minutes…

Todd Brown shot me a loom video with his thoughts…

Kim Krause Schwalm hopped on a call with me and gave me her suggestions.

So I had a lot of ideas…

But deep down my gut said something was off with the offer.

The copy was great.

And people were reading it…

They just weren’t buying.

So my gut said that the problem was that the “solution” we were trying to sell wasn’t matching up with what people wanted.

So what did I do?

Well I went back to the basics…

I talked with 13 of the customers who bought the program in the first two days.

I asked them why they bought…

And what they were hoping to accomplish…

There was nothing complicated about this…

I just asked questions.

And the thing that stood out to me was that pretty much everyone was buying the course for the list building aspect of it.

They didn’t care about the other videos and trainings from the event (including mine)…

They only cared about list building…

So knowing that…

I got on a call with David Deutsch and Marcella Allison (who wrote the copy for the offer)…

And we decided to re-do the entire offer.

So instead of selling a smorgasboard of videos from the event…

We narrowed the focus to just list building.

So the NEW sales page was only about list building.

And it had no mention of the other videos (even though the customers got all of those in the course).

We made it just about list building…

We also added some personal coaching from me…

And we even changed the name of the course from Email Experts to List Building Accelerator.

So it was a lot of changes.

I don’t think I’ve ever made a change this big in the middle of a launch.

But it was needed.

Cause the first offer was not connecting.

But once we re-did the offer…

And we made it a singular focus on list building…

The sales started to flow in.

The offer was more clear.

And it hit on what people wanted.

And as a result of that, we ended up with 191 sales.

Had we NOT changed things up, we probably would have barely hit 100 sales.

So it was the right move in the end (even if it was a huge pain in the ass)


Lots of lessons were learned in this launch.

But the big one was that the offer has to match-up with what people want.

Our first offer was all over the place…

And because of that…

It didn’t convert well.

Once we re-did things…

And we made it a singular focus on list building.

The sales rolled in. 

So the big lesson is that your offer needs to have a singular focus.

If you try to sell seven things at once (like I did with event recordings)…

It won’t work.

That’s a lesson I actually already knew…

But sometimes you gotta re-learn a lesson for it to really sink-in.

Hope this was helpful…

And also a big congrats to everyone who joined List Building Accelerator/Email Experts…

I’m excited to work with you over the next six weeks.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.