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After every launch I do, I like to share the lessons I learned from the launch with you.


So that way you can take what I learned…

And use it to make yourself some moolah.

Sound good?

Alright, let’s get into it.

First things first…

The launch I just wrapped up was for a crypto training I hosted with Mike Dillard.

The training was $99.

And during the 7-day launch, I made 173 sales…

Which brought in a little over $17,127 in sales.

I knew going into this launch that it would NOT be a huge homerun.

It was about crypto…

And my list is not a crypto list…

But I still wanted to do the training…

Cause I’m a big believer in Bitcoin.

And I wanted to show more people what a big opportunity Bitcoin is…

So even though this wasn’t a huge money maker like some of my other launches…

I’m glad I did it…

Cause I think it’ll help a bunch of people.

Now with that said…

I had a few lessons I learned during this launch…

And probably the biggest lesson for me was that…

It was a mistake to drop the price of the training from $197 to $99. 

I normally do these one-day trainings for $197…

But for this training, I priced it at $99.


In my head I thought I’d get a lot more people to sign-up at $99 vs. $197.

But that did not turn out to be true.

Cause all the people that usually buy at $197, bought at $99.

So I just made less money.

In hindsight what I should have done was either keep it at $197…

Or I should have priced it at $99, and added a good upsell.

Either one of those would have worked…

But just simply dropping the price was not helpful for my overall revenue.

This is one of those things that I’ve tested before…

And honestly I just kind of forgot about.

So this was a good reminder for me.

When you’re sending offers to your list, you’re almost always better off going with the higher price.

Cause that’s how you make the most revenue.

And that’s what want with a backend offer…

It’s about revenue…

Honestly I feel dumb typing that out…

Cause it’s completely obvious to me now…

But sometimes we have to be reminded of these things for them to really sink in. 

So that was a good lesson for me to learn.


Hope you got some insight from this…

And you use it to make yourself some dough.

I’ll be back tomorrow with a second lesson from this launch…

So keep your eyes peeled for that…

– Justin

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