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After every launch I run, I like to share with you the biggest lessons I learned from the launch.


That way you can take what I learned…

And use it in your own business…

Or use it to help your client’s business…

And that way we all make a bunch of moolah.

Sound good?

Alright, so the launch I just wrapped up was for the copy training program, Copyhour.

The price was $297.

And throughout the 7-day launch, I made 265 sales of Copyhour (this includes upsells as well).

My commission on the promo will come out to around $69,735 when all the payment plans come in.

So overall this was a really successful promo for me.

I believe it was the second best affiliate launch I’ve done in the last 12 months.

So a big win.

And honestly not surprising.

My list responds really well to copywriting training programs.

So this was a good fit (especially right out of the gate in January when people are motivated to change their life).

So overall it was a good launch…

And the biggest lesson I took away from this launch was the power of PROOF.

This was probably one of the easiest launches I’ve ever written emails for.


Cause Derek had tons of PROOF of Copyhour working wonders for the people who went through the program. 

So I simply told a bunch of zero-to-hero stories of people who had been through the program and seen great results.

I told the story of Dan Ferrari being so broke he used to drink olive oil every morning (and how he’s now one of the 5 best copywriters in the world)…

I told the story of Ning Li being a frustrated college student, and how Copyhour led to him landing his first $1500 copy gig…

I told the story of Austin Lee living in his parents basement to now being a top financial copywriter in the game… 

All these guys got their start with Copyhour.

So I simply told those stories.

And each email that I sent was simply more proof that Copyhour works…

Now obviously not every offer you promote will have killer success stories like this…

But when you do have them…

You should lean on ’em.

Cause people love hearing stories of someone going from nothing to something…

And those stories are real-world PROOF that what you’re selling works. 

So anytime you have those stories…

You should use ’em. 

So there ya go…

That was my biggest takeaway from the launch.

Overall, I’m super happy with how everything went…

And I’m stoked to see the growth of the people who joined Copyhour…

So it was a win-win all around.

I’ll be back tomorrow with another lesson from the launch.

So if you want to hear that…

Keep your eyes peeled for an email from me tomorrow.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.