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Most marketers are completely oblivious to how much anxiety their customers have.

Case in point…

Yesterday afternoon I went to a beginners yoga class at my favorite studio in Austin, Black Swan.

Since it was a beginner class, most of the people there were new.

So they were quite nervous.

One of the things that stuck out to me at the class was just how in-tune the instructor was with the anxiety people were feeling.

She understood how big of a deal it is for someone who knows nothing about yoga to sign up for a yoga class.

You’re worried you’re gonna look like an idiot…

You’re worried you’re too fat to be there…

You’re worried that everyone else will know what to do, and you won’t.

The instructor was hyper-aware of that.

And one of the things she did at the beginning of the class was make everyone felt SAFE.

She actually addressed all of the worries people had.

And she let everyone know it’s perfectly normal to feel like that.

And that she was gonna be right next to us, helping us through every pose we do.

I remember thinking “this is so smart” as she was doing it.

Cause the room was able to relax after this.

It was like all the pent-up worry everyone had just left the room.

The older lady to my left looked much more comfortable.

And the guy on the other side of me who was massively overweight, looked like he felt much more included in the group.

It was the perfect way to start the class.

The marketer in me was impressed.

Cause this was a master class in understanding your customers worries.

And as easy as this is to do…

Most marketers are oblivious to this stuff.

And I’m guilty of it as well.

This is actually something I’m putting a lot more focus on with our Copy Accelerator program.

One of my problems is that I simply see myself as a normal dude.

And it baffles me that anyone would be nervous to ask for my help. 

Or to join our program.

But it happens.

People see me and Stefan as “copy gods” and they feel like they can’t talk to us.

So I need to address that.

And help people feel more comfortable around us.

This is one of those things that can make a world of difference if you’re aware of it.

Problem is most marketers simply aren’t aware of it.

So I recommend giving it some thought.

What are some of the big worries that your customers have that you’re not addressing?

How can you make them feel more safe?

And how can you relieve some of their anxiety?

Make no mistake…

These are million dollar questions.

And if you get it right, there will be a lot more moolah heading your way.

That’s all I got for today.

I’m off to Vegas tonight for our mastermind.

If you’re coming to the event, I’ll see ya Wednesday.

– Justin

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