I’m in the mood to give you a little look under the hood at exactly what’s been working for me marketing wise lately.
So let’s dig in…
And look at some of the webinars Stefan and I have been running.
I’ll start with this…
Webinars are prolly the #1 thing we do to get people to come to our events.
And this kind of happened by accident.
We did one back in 2020 before our Vegas event, and then mentioned the event at the end of the webinar and like 10 people bought a ticket.
So after that we decided to do another webinar…
And the same thing happened again.
So the thought was…
“Ok webinars obviously work for us, lets do more of them”
BTW this sounds simple, but this is a million dollar lesson right here.
When something is working, DOUBLE down on it.
So that’s what we did.
Now when it comes to the actual topics of the webinar, I’ve found those are the most important aspect of the webinar.
Cause if you pick a bad topic, not that many people show up.
So we run surveys on potential topics for the webinars…
PLUS we just generally have a good idea of what people want to learn.
So the topic is super important…
Funny enough, we’ve done a few “ask us anything” webinars, which in my opinion were SUPER valuable to people.
Cause the people on there got real 1-on-1 feedback from Stefan and I.
But funny enough, the attendance on those is always really low.
It’s like half the people of a normal webinar.
So the topic is vitally important.
And when it comes to the topic, a big part of choosing that is thinking about WHO we want to attract to the call.
For example one of the webinars we did a few weeks ago was “how to 2-3x your copywriting income”.
And we specifically made this webinar for copywriters making over $50k a year.
It wasn’t for newbies.
It was for established copywriters.
Why did we do that?
Well, cause that’s one of the main people we want at our events.
Stefan and I are DAMN good at taking someone making $3k a month writing copy and helping them get to $10k a month.
Or someone making $5k a month and helping them get to $15k a month.
We’ve helped at least 90+ copywriters to do that already (probably even more).
So getting those types of people to our webinars, and to our events, and into Copy Accelerator is one of our goals.
That’s why the topic of “how to 2-3x your copywriting income” was perfect for this group.
While I’m on this topic…
There’s a huge difference in attendance when we do webinars on how to make more $$$ vs. how to get better at writing copy.
Even though getting better at copy IS the way to make more money…
That’s not what copywriters want to hear.
They care a lot more about making more moolah.
And the attendance numbers on our webinars bear this out.
Anytime we focus on getting better at copy, it’s not as popular as a topic on making more money.
So really this all comes down to knowing your customer.
And understanding what they REALLY want.
It’s important for you to distinguish between what your customer WANTS and what they SHOULD want.
That’s a big difference.
And you’ll always struggle if you keep trying to sell people the things they SHOULD want.
That’s a mistake.
You have to sell them what they want…
And when you sell them on that, you slide in the things they really need.
Make sense?
I hope so.
Cause that’s all I got for today.
Enjoy your Thursday,
– Justin