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Yesterday I was planning to write a final “wrap up” email about the intensive I was doing with my coach.

However that didn’t happen.

And I wanted to beat myself up over not writing that email.


Because I try to write this email everyday.

And I don’t like missing days.

But yesterday, I just didn’t have it in me.

After 4-days of digging into a bunch of highly emotional shit…

I was simply exhausted.

I couldn’t think.

I couldn’t write.

The only thing I was able to do was get to the gym (which was nice).

But other than that…

My tank was empty.

So I took the day off.

Which was smart.

And also a good sign of progress for myself.

In the past I would not have done this.

I would powered through it.

And forced myself to write something…

Even if I didn’t want to.

But one of the things Brent has been helping me with is being a little gentler on myself.

I have a tendency to be hard on myself.

And to expect too much from myself.

So being able to take a day off when my body needed it was a good sign. 


I hope the emails I wrote while working w/Brent gave you some good insights.

People seemed to love them…

So hopefully you got a nugget or two out of them.

That’s all I got for ya today.

Gonna head out for a walk and get ready for our Copy Accelerator call.

Enjoy your Tuesday.

– Justin


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If so, then here’s how you can get that feedback


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