Note: This is the final email in a series I’m doing on money blocks. If you want to see the previous money block emails they are archived on my website here
One of the most eye-opening things I learned from Dan Kennedy is that money is NOT a zero sum game.
For example…
Back when I was a noob copywriter, I had a lot of queasiness when it came to quoting my fees.
Cause I felt like I was ripping people off.
I thought that by them paying me a couple thousand dollars that I was winning and they were losing.
So I was very uncomfortable discussing my fees.
And when it came time for that conversation, my skin would get flush…
My stomach would churn…
It was like I ate bad eggs or something.
It was just not a good feeling.
Now here’s what’s interesting about all that…
The way I felt stemmed from the fact that I didn’t look at my copywriting services as a GOOD thing.
I didn’t think I was helping the client…
Or helping them build their business…
I felt like I was pulling a fast one on them.
So I looked at like I was winning, and they were losing.
Which is nuts…
But that’s how I felt.
And it wasn’t until I stumbled upon Dan Kennedy’s book about wealth attraction that this changed for me.
Cause Dan mentioned in the book that money is NOT a zero sum game.
Meaning that one person’t isn’t winning while the other person is losing.
He made me realize that if you’re selling something that will actually help the person…
Whether that’s copywriting services…
A gym membership…
Or even an ebook…
You are not hurting someone by getting them to part with their money.
You are HELPING them.
And that was a big shift for me.
Cause it made me see selling as a win-win…
Instead of the win-lose I always saw it as.
Just that simple shift has had a big impact on me…
And my ability to sell.
It’s made me more comfortable with selling…
And charging what I should charge.
So there ya go…
I hope this series on money blocks was helpful for you.
If you want to dig deeper into stuff around money, a few resources I recommend are…
Dan Kennedy’s “Wealth Attraction For Entrepreneurs” – this is a book and also a seminar. You can find the seminar on Youtube here.
T Harv Eker’s “Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind” is a great book on the subject of money and our blocks around money.
And last but not least, my coach Brent Charleton has a course coming out next year on money, which I’m sure I will tell you all about when he releases it.
But for now…
If you had a big “ah ha” from these emails on money, feel free to reply to this and let me know what it was…
I’d love to hear from ya…
– Justin