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I’m gonna do a series of emails this week all about “money blocks”.

Money blocks are basically bad beliefs you have about money (these beliefs are usually ingrained into you in your childhood by your parents).

And here’s the problem…

Money blocks are like driving in a car with the emergency brake on.

Yeh, you might be moving…

But you’re not moving anywhere near as fast as you could.

So what does a money block look like?

Here’s a few off the top of my head…

– Rich people are assholes 

– I’m taking more than my fair share

– You have to work hard to make money

– I don’t invest cause the stock market is like a casino

– If I lose everything, I’ll never get it back

– I don’t want to make more money than the people around me

These are all pretty common money blocks.

And I’ve personally dealt with most of them.

I’m willing to bet a few of them resonated with you as well.

So that’s what I’m gonna be writing about this week.

But before I start the series on money blocks, I want to hear from you.

What’s the biggest money block you deal with?

What’s the one thing that you feel like is holding you back from making more money?

Just reply to this email and let me know.

I want to make sure my emails hit on the money blocks you’re struggling with.

So just reply to this and let me know about a money block you have…

– Justin

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