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Last night the launch officially ended for my 1000 Buyers A Day course…

514 people bought the course…

Which is a LOT more than I expected.

My goal at the start was 200 sales.

Well we blew by that goal in the first 48 hours.

So I adjusted the goal to 350 sales.

Turns out we blew past that one as well.

So I’m excited about the overall result.

And in fact, the whole launch was a huge learning lesson for me.


Cause I’m not a launch expert.

I’ve never done a big launch.

Don’t really know the ins-and-outs of how they’re supposed to be run.

I’m much more of a cold traffic guy.

So the launch format is all pretty new to me…


I do watch how other people run their launches…

So I took a few of their ideas.

Some of them worked, some didn’t.

But the big thing I learned throughout the week is that you should always double down on what’s working.

For example…

I was originally planning on just keeping to my schedule of emailing you once a day during the launch.

However, I decided to send two emails on the first day of the launch.

And guess what?

I made like 60% more sales than I would have if I just sent one email.

The first email made about 100 sales.

And the second email did 63 sales.

So being the genius that I am…

I saw the connection…

Send more emails =  make more sales.

So that’s what I did.

I doubled down on email.

And instead of sending you one email a day like usual, I went for two a day (and even 3 on the final day of the launch).

Over the course of the week, this probably led to an extra 150-200 sales.

Those are sales I probably would not have made if I was just emailing you once a day.

So it was well worth it…

And what I want you to takeaway from this is not necessarily that you need to send more emails (although that is a great idea)…

It’s to simply double down on what’s working.

This is such a simple concept.

But it’s one most people forget (even me).

Hell, Stefan Georgi and I overlooked this when we were promoting our last mastermind event.

We realized that every time we hosted a Zoom call, we’d get 6-10 people to sign up for the event.

However, we were still only doing like 1-2 Zoom calls a month.

Not smart.

So for our upcoming event in September (this event will be virtual) we’re going all in on Zoom calls leading up to the event.

And probably doing one each week.


Cause they work.

So we’re doubling down on what’s working. 

Like I said, this is a simple strategy…

But one that most marketers overlook.

So keep it in mind.

Your sales will go up. 

And your bank account will thank you.

That’s all I got for today.

Enjoy your Wednesday.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.