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If you’re new to copy…

And you’re still in your first year or two of learning…

I have a piece of advice that I hope you’ll take to heart.

This is something I learned from my coach (Brent) who I pay over $100k a year to work with.

The advice is incredibly simple…

But it can do wonders for helping you in those first few years.

Here the advice…

Be gentler on yourself.

What do I mean by that?

I mean, don’t beat yourself up if you’re not making $10k a month right away…

Don’t get down on yourself if you’re confused about what to do…

Don’t get upset if the copy you write isn’t great.

This is all completely normal stuff.

Especially when starting out.

So instead of beating yourself up…

And being hard on yourself…

You’ll get a lot further (and enjoy the process more) by being “gentler” on yourself.

That means…

-Allowing yourself to make mistakes…

-Understanding that it’s ok to feel confused…

-Realizing that you’re not doing something wrong if you’re not making $10k or $20k a month right away

The reality is that you’re learning a new skill.

And in order to learn a new skill, whether that’s skateboarding, playing piano or copywriting, you’re gonna go through some ups and downs.

You’re gonna doubt yourself…

You’re gonna want to quit at times…

And even though you’re making progress, you’re gonna feel like you haven’t made any progress.

This is all completely normal.

It happens to everyone (including me).

So if you’re experiencing this…

Just know that it’s normal.

And if you want to enjoy the process a little more, then I’d suggest you try to be gentler on yourself.

Allow yourself to make those mistakes…

Allow yourself to not be perfect.

If you’re able to do that, the whole process of learning copy will be a hell of a lot more fun.

So keep that in mind.

And enjoy your Thursday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.