Last night I was pouring through my email stats and noticed one of the subject lines I recently wrote, had extremely high open rates.
So I wanna break it down for you…
And show you why it did so well.
Here it is…
subj: “I mean I think he’s cute, but he kind of has a tiny list”
I remember when I wrote this subject line, I couldn’t stop laughing.
I thought it was hilarious.
Mostly because I could just picture a typical 22 year-old girl who’s into Starbucks, yoga and uggs saying this in my head.
It felt like a scene out of Mean Girls.
So I used it.
The result?
48% unique opens on my list.
Which is much higher than normal.
What’s funny is that this subject line really goes against all the conventional rules of subject lines.
It’s super long (14 words in total)…
It doesn’t promise any benefits to the reader…
So in theory it shouldn’t work.
But it did.
Cause it stood out.
And it was funny.
Compared to the other subject lines in their inbox, this one was very different.
And that’s important.
You don’t want to blend in.
You don’t want to sound like the 17 other emails they’re scrolling through at the same time.
Remember, people are bored out of their minds.
They want to be entertained.
So anytime you can add a little drama…
Or a little controversy to your subject lines…
It will help you stand out.
You won’t sound like everything else.
And you have a better shot at getting it opened.
So keep that in mind…
That’s all I got for ya today.
Enjoy your Tuesday,
– Justin