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Probably my favorite Dan Kennedy quote of all time is a random one he mentioned in a little known Youtube video.

What’s funny is that this quote wasn’t planned.

It wasn’t some big point he was making…

It was more of an offhand comment.

Dan was basically talking about why you should not follow what everyone else is doing.

Because in every area of life, the majority is always wrong.

I remember this being one of those “baseball bat over the head” moments for me.


Because it affirmed something that I had long suspected…

That most people simply do what everyone else does.

And they don’t give any thought to whether or not that’s the right thing to do.

In the video, Dan went on to explain that if you look at all the major pillars of life (health, money, relationships, happiness) the majority is wrong about all of them. 

Because the majority of people are…

Overweight and sick…

They’re broke…

Their relationships aren’t functional…

And to top it off, most people are hardly ever happy.  In fact they’re usually pretty miserable.

So if thats the case…

Why on earth would you want to do the same stuff that they do?

You don’t, right?

You want to stay as far away from what the majority does as possible.  

But most people don’t think like this.

They tend to just “follow the herd”.

Which is fine if you don’t mind getting the same results as the herd.

But if you want to live life on your own terms…

And if you want to do it in a way that makes you happy…

Then you need to stop doing what the majority does.

Because like Dan said…

The majority is always wrong.

That’s a simple insight.

But one that can pay huge dividends if you put it into practice.

That’s all I got for ya today.

Enjoy your Friday…

– Justin

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