One thing I preach over and over again is that getting the life YOU want should be your ultimate priority in business.
For example…
I flew back to Ohio yesterday because I’m going to the Ohio State/Michigan State game today with some friends.
For me this is part of the life I want.
I want to be able to buy $700 tickets to a football game and not think twice about the cost.
I also want to have the flexibility in my schedule to take 2 or 3 days off, without having to miss out on any money.
This is what I want.
And I’ve done a pretty good job of building a business that allows me to do that.
But here’s the important thing…
Before I even started my business, I figured out WHAT I wanted…
I didn’t just build a business and hope that it would turn out how I wanted.
I specifically created a business that would allow me to…
– get personal fulfillment from helping copywriters and offer owners to grow their business
– make $1-$2 million a year in income
– only work 20-25 hours a week on average
– have flexibility in my schedule to take time off for things like football games, festivals, vacations etc…
This is all stuff that matters to me.
So I’ve made it a priority.
Cause in the end…
My goal is NOT to make the absolute most money possible.
My goal is to have the life I want.
That’s what matters to me.
And I suggest you do the same…
Get clear on what you want…
Get clear on what matters to you…
And go after that.
I can tell ya from experience that if you don’t know what you want, you usually end up with a lot of things that you DON’T want.
So figure out what you want your life to look like (and what you’re willing to do to get it) and go after that…
That’s a simple idea…
But it’s one that will have a huge affect on your happiness.
So I suggest giving it some thought.
Alright, I gotta wrap this up and go get ready for the game.
Hope you got some insights from this…
Enjoy your Saturday…
– Justin
P.S. – I met up with my parents yesterday for the first time in ages.
Here’s a pic of me and my dad doing a little bar hopping…

If you want a proven path to make 6-figures as a copywriter, so that you can get the life you want, then I want to help you…
I’ve already helped copywriters like Randall Pruitt, Scott Mills, Amber Peoples, Krista Edsall, Troy Ericson, Tanner Henkel, Heidi Anspaugh and more to hit 6-figures (and more) as copywriters.
If you want the same, then check this out and see if it’s a fit for you -> mentorship