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A few weeks ago I sat down with a reporter from Forbes to talk about how I helped my two copy cubs (Tanner and Alec) go from 0->$100k in their first year as copywriters. 

When I told her the story, her initial reaction was surprise.

Wow, is that really possible?” she asked.

“Yeh” I said.  “They were both making money within a few months of starting”

After I said this, the reporter looked at me kind of bewildered.

Cause in her world of writing, writers don’t make money that quickly.

It takes years and years of struggle…

And only a select few ever make good money.

So hearing Tanner and Alec’s story was surprising to her.

What’s funny is that I probably would have had the same reaction as her if I heard about this 15 years ago.

I wouldn’t have believed it.

But after helping them do it…

I’m kind of shocked at just how simple it was.

When you compare it to going to college for 4 years,  and putting in 20+ hours a week of class and studying…

This is a hell of a lot easier.

Cause they were making money within 4 months of learning this.

With college you have to wait 4 years!

And all it really took was a few hours a day of writing emails to get there.

I basically put them on a regimen of writing 2-3 emails every single day.

And then I gave them feedback on each email they wrote.

I showed them how to make their stories “pop” more…

And how to grab the reader with the first sentence so he keeps reading.

And day-by-day they got better.

After about 4 months of this, I finally told them “you’re ready to take on a client”

So I connected them with business owners who needed emails.

Tanner started writing emails for a guy named Adam in the basketball niche.

And Alec was writing health emails for Paleohacks.

So they both had their first client.

And they were off to the races.

What’s interesting is that this is exactly how I pictured this happening before I started mentoring them. 

My goal was simply to teach them the EASIEST thing to make money at online.

And I decided that was email. 

I thought “it’s not that hard to write an email.  And if someone puts in the work for a few months, I bet I could make them a good email writer”.

That was the goal.

But there was a part of me that was like “this seems too easy”.

Maybe I’m missing something.

Maybe it just seems easy to me because I’m a good writer.

But as it turns out, it actually was that easy.

If you just put in the work.

And get feedback along the way.

You’ll be a pretty damn good copywriter in 3-4 months.


I was thinking of the Forbes reporter today, and wanted to share that story.

Cause I think it’s a good example of how simple the formula is for going from 0->$100k as a copywriter.

It doesn’t have to be complicated.

Tanner and Alec are proof of that. 

Hopefully that story inspires a few people to do the same.

That’s all I got for today.

Enjoy your Wednesday…

– Justin

P.S. – I’ve been kicking around the idea of putting together a course on writing emails similar to what I taught Tanner and Alec.

Email is my first love.

And I truly love teaching it. 

So that’s been on my mind a bunch.

The course wouldn’t be until sometime in 2020.

But if it’s something you might be interested in, just reply to this email and let me know.

I’m curious to see how much interest there is.

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.