Can a newbie copywriter really rake in $40,000 in just 4 months?
Well that’s what Copy Accelerator member, Carolyn Gretton, recently did.
After being a journalist for most of her adult life, Carolyn started to worry when her freelance gigs started drying up.
The pay wasn’t what it once was…
And she worried things were only going to get worse.
So she started contemplating a late-in-life career change…
Which is tough for most people.
There’s a lot of fear around trying something new.
And who knows if you’ll actually succeed…
But Carolyn was set on it.
She knew she wanted to up her income…
And that eventually led her to look into copywriting.
She went through a number of courses, and eventually made her way to Stefan Georgi’s RMBC course (which eventually led her to Copy Accelerator).
The whole world of direct response was new to her.
She didn’t fully get it at first…
But now-a-days, she’s one of the rising stars of the copywriting world.
Carolyn has a thriving copywriting business that pulled in $40k in the last four months.
Which is pretty amazing.
And it’s why I sat down with Carolyn recently to grill her on how she was able to make so much money so quickly as a copywriter…
She told me about some of her struggles early on…
How she’s landing high-paying clients…
And the mindset she used to help her make such a ,late-life career change.
If you’re a copywriter (or an asipring copywriter), I think you’ll really like this video I did with Carolyn.
She’s a testament to the idea that it’s never too late to go after what you want.
So a big congrats to her…
If you want to watch the interview, you can check it out on my Youtube channel here.
-> $40,000 in four months from copywriting?