Picture this…
You’re a 22 year-old copywriter that lives in Pakistan…
English is NOT your first language…
You’re a woman in an industry that’s dominated by men…
And on top of that, you’re also in medical school taking a full course load while you run your copywriting business.
Sounds insane, right?
Well that’s exactly what Copy Accelerator member Areeba Ahmed is doing.
Just two years ago she was bringing in $3k a month as a copywriter…
But now in 2022, she’s regularly having $20k months.
Which is super impressive.
Honestly, everytime I hear Areeba’s story I wonder “how the hell does she do all this?”.
Which is the main reason why I had her on my Youtube channel recently to talk about this.
We chatted about how she was able to pick-up so many high-paying clients…
What her strategy is for landing retainer clients…
And how she was able to basically 5x her copy income in a little over a year.
I think this interview will be inspiring to a lot of copywriters (and aspiring copywriters)…
So if that interests you…
Give it a watch at the link below on Youtube…
-> How a non-native English speaker pulls in $20k a month writing copy