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Most people don’t know this, but one of the most talked about sales pages of 2023 was heavily written by AI.

Here’s the story…

Back in April my coach (Brent Charleton) finally released his long awaited “mindset” course.

After I sent the first email to my list about the course, I got a flurry of texts from people asking me who wrote the sales page.

Literally all morning I was getting texts like this…

Which usually never happens.

But there was good reason it was happening with this sales page. 


Cause the sales page was THAT damn good.

The headline was loaded with proof, curiosity and it sucked you right in…

The copy was bubbling with emotion…

And the whole page did an excellent job of tapping into the exact problems every copywriter and business owner in our niche faces when it comes to their mindset.

So the sales page was on point.

And as a result, the launch crushed.

I don’t know the exact numbers it did, but I know between me, Ian Stanley and Dan Ferrari, we probably did over $300k in sales ourselves. 

So the sales page was a huge hit.

And it certainly connected with people.

And what’s interesting to me is that I just assumed the guy who wrote it (Brian Casaletta) did it the old school way.

I figured he sat down and typed it all out himself.

But turns out that wasn’t true.

Cause when Brian was in Austin last month, he spoke at my mastermind and showed everyone how he used ChatGPT to write the bulk of that sales letter.

He used GPT to transform the lead from “meh” to “damn I can’t stop reading this”…

He also used GPT to dial-in the bullets (which was critical cause nearly 35% of the sales letter was bullets)…

And lastly he used GPT to write a killer close that gave all the fence-sitters the final nudge they needed to buy…

So this sales page that crushed and that had everyone in the industry asking me “who wrote it” was mostly done by AI.

That just shows the power of AI…

And specifically the power of knowing the right prompts to feed the AI (that’s the real key).

Which brings me to the point of why I’m writing you this email.

If you’re interested in using ChatGPT to quickly write A-list level sales pages (like Brian did)…

Or winning ads and emails in half the time it currently takes you…

And you want to do it without having to figure out all the prompts for yourself… 

Then I have something for ya.

Here’s the deal…

My friend Stefan Georgi just put together 3 exclusive trainings on how to use AI to write A-list level copy.

Those trainings include…

– The AI Copy Chief (this shows you how to transform average copy into A-list copy with some of Stefan’s secret AI prompts)

– 30X Copywriter (this one is all about using AI to write short form copy such as emails, FB ads, Youtube ads, advertorials etc)

– The 6 Hour AI Salesletter (exactly as it sounds, this one shows you how to write a winning sales letter from start to finish in just 6-hours)

When Stefan originally held these trainings, each one was sold seperately, and if you bought all three it would have cost you $2,991.  

Which would have been worth every penny in my book (cause they’re that good).


After I went through the trainings myself…

I told Stefan to whip-up a special deal for my list so the people on my list could get all three of the trainings for a much lower price than the $2991 that others paid. 

So thats’s exactly what Stefan did.

Here’s what he came up with…

For the next few days during this special 4th of July sale…

You can get a bundle of all three of Stefan’s AI copy trainings (The AI Copy Chief, 30x Copywriter and The 6 Hour AI Salesletter) that were originally sold for $2991…

For just $997.

That’s over 60% off the regular price.

But here’s the best part…

You DON’T have to pony up $997 today.

Cause Stefan put together a sweet payment plan where you can pay just $97 today (and then you pay an additional three payments of $297 in the coming months).

This way it’s easier on your cash flow.

And you can hop right into the trainings today for just $97 upfront.

So that’s the deal…

It’s $97 today and then three future payments of $297 for the whole AI copy bundle.

If you’re interested in using ChatGPT to quickly write A-list level copy on your sales pages, ads and emails…

And you want to have Stefan show you the EXACT prompts to use to make that happen… 

Then this is for you.

You can get all the details on the special sale, and grab your copy of the Ultimate AI Copywriting bundle right here.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.