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Every year I like to do a series of emails showing you how to pay less in taxes.


Because most entrepreneurs are paying MORE in taxes than they legally need to.

I even did this myself back in 2015.

That was the first year my income really shot up…

And when it jumped from $200k to over $700k, I got smoked on taxes that year. 

I made the deadly mistake of assuming my CPA would know what to do…

But that was just not the case.

Cause while he was a CPA, he didn’t actually understand tax strategy.

He was an “order taker”.

So he didn’t give me any tax strategies that would save me a bunch of money…

And he wasn’t bringing new ideas to me…

He just added up my numbers and told me what I owed to the IRS.

Which was a big, big mistake.

Cause I wound up paying out the wazoo on taxes that year (probably $50k-$100k more than I needed to pay).

That was the first time I realized there’s a difference between a CPA and a tax strategist. 

You never want to have a plain ole’ CPA who just takes orders giving you tax strategy.  

I mean that’s perfectly fine if you’re an employee making $50k a year…

But if you’re an entrepreneur taking home a high 6 or 7 figure income (like I was), this is nuts.

Cause taxes are your biggest expense.

And you need a tax strategist (not a CPA) helping you with that.

I’ll give ya a good example of this…

My tax strategist (Jeff) has helped me to save multiple 6-figures on taxes the last few years including…

– writing off $620k in crypto losses to offset a big chunk of the capital gains I have from selling Copy Accelerator.  This will save me about $150k in taxes this year

– setting me up with a cash-benefit plan (CBP) that allows me to invest $150k into index funds (and I can write off $150k on my taxes)

– using the Augusta Rule to rent my house out to my business 14 days a year (this makes me around $24k a year)

– writing off the $105,000 Range Rover I bought a few years ago (I believe we wrote off 80% of it, which saved me around $29,000 in taxes)

– using depreciation from a real estate purchase I’m working on that will help me offset close to $600k in taxable income (this will save me about $120k in taxes this year)

– setting up a side C-corp that I’m able to use in really “fat” years to lower my taxes paid by $20k or so

I could go on and on with this…

But you get the point.

Once you’re making good money, there’s a LOT you can do to reduce your taxes (and all of it is legal).

However, it’s not that easy to find a good tax strategist.

I went through 5-6 different CPA’s trying to find someone who actually understood tax strategy.

Most of them claimed they did…

But in reality, they weren’t bringing me ideas on how I could pay less in taxes.

They were just your run-of-the-mill CPA’s. 

So I went through a lot of “duds” before finding someone who actually knew what he was doing.

And that’s a big reason why I’m writing you this email.

Up until now working with Jeff (my tax guy) was not cheap.

I pay him close to $60k a year to help me.

However, he hit me up a few weeks ago to let me know that he’s doing a few 1 hour tax strategy sessions in August for just $995.

Basically during the session he’ll go through your business and your tax returns and show you all the tax strategies you’re missing out on that will save you a bunch on your taxes.

My gut says that he’ll be able to show you how to save somewhere between $50k-$200k on your taxes (if you’re making above $600k a year).

That number will obviously vary depending on how much you make…

But for $1000, he’ll prolly get you at least 50x that in tax savings.

So it’s a hell of a deal…

One note on this…

Most of the tax strategies Jeff uses are geared towards entrepreneurs making more than $600k a year.

So you need to be making good money for this to be worth it.

If you’re making $150k a year, there’s not a whole lot you can do besides the standard write-offs and having an S-corp for yourself.

But if you’re making over $600k, there’s a LOT you can do to save on taxes.

And he’ll show you the exact tax strategies you’re missing out on during your call.  

So if that floats your boat…

I highly suggest you snap up one of these sessions with him.

Last I checked, he has 4-5 openings in August for these calls. 

So I’d grab one while you can.

All ya gotta do is head over to his Calendly page and book a time with him and then make your payment on the next page.

Here’s the link to do that…

-> Book a tax strategy session w/Jeff

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.