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People want to feel like they know something that others don’t.  Like they’re an insider and they’re privy to things that their friends aren’t

I still remember when David Deutsch said this to me on one of our coaching calls.

We were going over the copy for my Patriot Power Greens product.

At the time I was struggling to find a hook for the product.

So I thought about what David said…

“How can I make this supplement an “insider” thing?” 

I liked the angle…

But nothing was coming to mind.

So I kept jotting down ideas for the next week.

I played around with a story of a King in ancient China who used one of the ingredients to live well into his 90’s.

I found a story of Russian athletes using one of the ingredients in the Olympics that they dominated back in the 80’s.

And while both of these ideas were solid…

I felt they were a little played out.

I had seen them before.

So I kept grinding away trying to find a better idea.

Something with a more “insider” feel. 

After about a week of this, I was gretting frustrated.

And I was about to give up hope…

And then it hit me…

My market of 60-70 year old conservative men and women LOVE the military.

And they have a huge respect for anything related to the military. 

What if this supplement was some kind of energy-booster or vitality enhancer that was reserved for elite units of the US military?

Would that intrigue them?

I had a feeling it would.

But I wasn’t sure how to make that happen.

I wasn’t gonna be able to line-up soome government contract with the military to test our supplement. 

So I did the next best thing…

My cousin was in the Coast Guard in San Diego at the time, so I sent him and his shipmates a big box of Patriot Power Greens.

I told them to give it a try and to report back and let me know how it worked.

After a few weeks, I got the initial results from them.

Most of the responses they gave were pretty boring.   

“I have more energy”


“I feel better”

But there was one guy in the unit who’s story stood out.

He was one of the older guys in the unit…

And he mentioned that he usually had a hard time keeping up with the younger guys, but now he was not only keeping up with them, but he was beating some of them in their PT tests.


I instantly knew this was the hook.

“How a secret green drink is helping older guys in elite military units to beat the younger guys in PT tests” 

My market would eat this up.

So I wrote the entire sales page up…

I made email creatives with the same angle. 

I couldn’t wait to test it.

This was a true “insider” angle like David had taught me.

I remember the first few times that we tested this, I almost didn’t believe the numbers.

I thought our tracking was broken.


Cause we were spending like $3,000 on an email drop and bringing back $15,000.

It was like nothing I had ever seen before. 

However, it wasn’t a tracking issue.

It was real.

The offer was a grandslam of epic proportions.

We couldn’t buy enough traffic for it.

Some of our biggest affiliates started mailing for it and were making 6-figures a month.

And over the course of a few years, that offer wound-up putting nearly 300,000 new buyers on our list.

That offer is also what took our business from $1 million in sales to $23 million in sales in just under three years. 

So it changed everything.

And I owe a big thanks to David Deutsch for that.

Cause he was the one who pushed me to use the “insider” angle for this offer.

Without the “insider” hook, this offer would have just been another greens powder.

And it probably wouldn’t have sold very well. 

But because of the “insider” hook, it crushed.

And this is one of the things that David is so good at.

In fact, the “insider” angle is just one of 9 angles he taught me when I worked with him. 

I’m not gonna give away the other 8 angles here…

But they’re incredibly powerful.

And when used right (like I did with Patriot Power Greens) they’re like bringing a machine-gun to a knife fight. 

The cool thing is that David made an entire module in his new A-list Copywriting Secrets course all about these 9 angles that push people to buy.

In my opinion, this module alone is worth the price of the course.

One thing to note…

A-List Copywriting Secrets is not an A-Z course on how to write copy.

If you’re a total newb and looking for that kind of thing, then you’d be better off looking somewhere else.

This course is much more about helping decent copywriters turn into A-list copywriters.

So if that appeals to you, I’d suggest giving the course a look here

The page I linked to is an opt-in page. Just opt-in there, and it will take you to see the course. 

And if you decide to get the course, I highly recommend going through module 6 when you get in.

That’s the one with the 9 angles I talked about in this email.

That module is VERY powerful.

And could have as big of an effect on you as it did on me when I wrote Patriot Power Greens.

Here’s the link again to check out David’s course…

-> David Deutsch’s A-List Copywriting Secrets


– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.