Yesterday I broke down how I came up with all of my goals for 2022.
So I want to expand on that today…
This way you can come up with your own goals, and make 2022 your best (and most profitable) year yet.
Sound good?
Alright, let’s dig in…
So first thing you want to do is get clear on what matters to you.
For me this looks something like this…
– What do I want my income to be?
– How much money do I want to invest?
– What do I want when it comes to relationships and dating?
– What are the things that fulfill me?
– How much time and stress am I ok with in regards to my business?
– How can I take 2-3 non-working vacations during the year?
– What are some social things I can do to meet new people, bring people together etc?
– How can I give back to something I’m passionate about (volunteering my time, giving money etc…)
So for me these are the things I think about…
Your list might have some similarities…
Or it might be completely different…
That’s fine.
But the idea here is to get clear on how you want your 2022 to look.
And remember, it doesn’t have to be perfect…
The reality is that 2022 will never play out exactly how you want it to…
However, I think it’s smart to have this kind of “guiding star” for how you want your life to be.
Figure out the things that matter to you…
And outline how you’re going to make it happen.
Let’s look at an example…
One of the things on my list is meeting new people and bringing people together.
As much as an introvert as I am, I actually love hosting parties and get togethers.
So one idea I have for this…
– Entrepreneur/creator mixers
I had one of these this past summer at my house and had about 20 people attend.
Basically we had craft cocktails…
And a chef that prepared finger foods for everyone.
Overall the night was a huge success.
I made some new friends…
I was able to connect people that had never met before…
Hell, I even ended up joining the mastermind of one of the guys that I met at the mixer.
So overall the entrepreneur mixer was a big success.
And my goal is to do a few more of these in 2022.
So that gives you a little example of how I flesh out my goals.
First I come up with what matters to me…
And then I put more detail into it.
I get specific about what it will look like.
It’s not rocket science.
But it’s extremely helpful for giving me something to shoot for when it comes to the things that matter to me.
So I highly suggest you get clear on what you want for 2022.
At the very least get clear on your business goals, and how you are gonna achieve them.
I promise, you’ll have a much better year if you think it out ahead of time.
Alright that’s all I got for today…
Enjoy your Tuesday.
– Justin
Note: If you want to make 2022 your best year yet, then I’d be interested in helping you make that happen.
You can learn more here…