Back in 2018 when I started mentoring Tanner and Alec (my first copy mentees) I made it very clear to them that if they wanted to get good at copywriting, they needed to write every single day.
And when I said every single day, I meant every single day.
Not once a week…
Not three times a week…
But every single day.
Cause when you write everyday, your skills start to compound (see below).

So that means over time your copy chops will get a lot better, a lot faster.
Basically how it plays it out is that in the beginning you’ll see SOME progress…
But as the weeks go on…
Your skills will start to compound…
And your copy will get really good.
In fact, you’ll probably look back at something you wrote three weeks ago and think “good lord, this is terrible”.
This is the power of compounding.
And it’s exactly what I saw happen when I was mentoring Tanner and Alec.
At the beginning, they both struggled.
Their copy was flat…
And they didn’t understand how to grab someone’s attention.
So the copy was just “blah”.
But as the weeks went on, and they continued to write everyday, things started to click…
Their copy become a lot more clear…
It started hooking me…
And even persuading me to buy.
This is the power of compounding.
And it can only really happen if you write every day.
By simply doing this, Tanner and Alec’s copy got good enough that within a few months they were able to take on clients and start making a couple grand a month.
This is what can happen when you write every single day.
You can go from a complete newbie who doesn’t understand copywriting…
To getting your first client in just a few months.
But that won’t happen if you just write once a week…
Or you simply write whenever you feel like it.
You need to write everyday (even if it’s only for 15 minutes).
So if you want to get good at copy in 2024…
I suggest you follow in the footsteps of Tanner and Alec, and write every single day.
Cause if you do that…
Your copy skills will compound.
And you’ll get very good, very quickly.
So I hope you take that to heart.
– Justin
P.S. – if you’re serious about making the jump from newbie to a good copywriter in 2024…
Then keep your eyes glued to my emails over the next few days.
Cause on January 1st I’m gonna invite you to join a special copywriting program that takes you by the hand and shows you what to write every single day in order to get better.
This is the same program that launched the careers of some of the best copywriters in the game including Dan Ferrari, Ning Li and Ian Stanley.
That program is kicking off on January 1st…
So if you want to be a part of the group…
Stay tuned to my emails for more info…