Piggybacking on my email from yesterday about “lessons from my launch”, here’s a bonus lesson that I want to share with you.
I’ll preface this one by saying, the lesson I’m about to share with you has made me a LOT of dough.
I wish I would have done it sooner.
However, I hesitated sharing it…
Not because I don’t want others using it…
But because I know most people will simply ignore it.
Cause it’s not “sexy”.
It’s pretty boring in fact.
But if you’re serious about making more money as a copywriter, offer owner or list manager, then you should take this lesson to heart.
So without further adieu…
Here it is…
You should track everything that’s working (and not working) in a spreadsheet that you look at and update every single week.
That’s the lesson…
And I’ll give you an example of how I use this…
Whenever I promote something to my list…
Everything I learn from that promo goes into a spreadsheet (pic below)

So I’m putting things in the spreadsheet like…
– which emails performed the best
– which emails bombed
– what are things that worked well that I should do again (like mailing 2x a day instead of one, or having Paypal as an option, or having a payment plan, or even if the topic of the training really connected with people)
– what are things that did NOT work (this past launch I did some Youtube videos, but the sales were pretty low from those so not sure if I will continue with those)
Basically everything I learn during the promo goes into the spreadsheet.
And like I said, I know the spreadsheet isn’t sexy.
But it is extremely valuable…
And if you actually use it…
And study what’s working (and not working) for you…
You can easily use that data to make 30% more sales on your next promo.
Obviously I’m doing this for myself with email promos…
But you could do the same thing with Facebook ads you write…
Or sales letters you’ve written.
Doesn’t really matter what kind of copy it is.
The key is that you track what’s working…
What’s NOT working…
And you use that data to make the next thing you write even better.
So there ya go…
Like I said, this ain’t sexy by any means…
But it’ll make you a lot of dough if you actually do it.
So I suggest doing it.
Hope this was helpful for you.
Enjoy your Thursday,
– Justin