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Over my last two emails, I gave you some advice on how to make 2023 your best year yet.

Most of that advice revolved around figuring out what’s important to you…

And getting clear on how you want 2023 to look…

Well today I want to talk about something that’s had just as big of an impact on my life.

However, this wasn’t something I added to my life.

It was something I REMOVED. 

Case in point…

I’ve mentioned many times before that my mom and I don’t have the best relationship.

She’s not easy to get along with…

She’s a total control freak…

And she can blow up at the drop of a hat.

So being around her ain’t exactly fun.

However, I used to simply put up with it cause she was my mom.

But over the last few years I decided that wasn’t working for me. 

So I put some distance between us. 

Now, when I call home, instead of talking to her, I talk to my dad…

And instead of seeing her at all the major holidays, I see her about once a year now.

Which might sound strange to you…

Especially if you have a good relationship with your parents…

But for me, it’s been a smart move. 

Because before this, my mom was causing me a significant amount of stress. 

But now that I have better boundaries…

And there’s less contact…

My life is a lot better.

Let’s look at another example…

When I was in Sayulita with Dan Ferrari, one thing that stood out to me was how much emphasis he puts on having good boundaries with clients.

This is something Dan actively filters for.

And he’s very upfront with clients about what he expects from them. 

If they start sending him late night texts about the copy or the project, that’s a no-no…

And if they start adding work to the scope of the project, that’s a strike…

And if they want him to be on Slack all day answering their messages, Dan won’t even entertain doing the project.

He has very clear boundaries about what his relationship with them should look like. 

And it’s one of the reasons Dan has a lot less headaches than most copywriters.

Cause here’s the truth…

A client that will continuously ignore your boundaries, will drive you nuts.


It can ruin you. 

You’ll feel weak…

You’ll feel helpless…

And all the while a big ball of rage will just be boiling up inside of you.

Do you think this is good for your health?

Or your sanity?


That’s why Dan filters clients so hard for this.

So to tie all this together for ya…

One of the best things you can do in 2023 is to remove the toxic people that put a lot of undue stress on you.

That could be a client…

A guy you follow on Facebook…

Or even a loved one…

They’re all capable of being toxic.

So you want to either remove them…

Or put a serious amount of distance between the two of you.

Like I said, this isn’t easy to do.

In fact, it’s incredibly hard.

But if you’re serious about your own well being, it’s a smart move.

Make sense?

I hope so.

Cause that’s all I got for ya today…

Enjoy your Thursday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.