One of my biggest insights from 2022 was realizing that sometimes you have to let profitable things go if they don’t fit your future vision.
Case in point…
Back in July, I unexpectedly sold my share of Copy Accelerator (the copywriting mastermind I helped start) to my partner, Stefan Georgi.
This was not something I planned.
In fact, I had some big plans for Copy Accelerator.
In just three years, Stefan and I took that business from a simple idea to a full-fledged coaching program that was helping nearly 200 copywriters and business owners to signficantly increase their income.
So we were having a big impact…
And it was a great cash-flow business for us.
By our third year, I was routinely pulling in $100k a month…
And I was only working 20-30 hours a week.
So life was good.
Back in January things started to change.
As the business continued to grow, Stefan and I started to realize we had very different visions for how the business should run.
I won’t get into the details of this…
But after a number of talks between him and I…
I came to the conclusion that we were just on different pages in terms of where we wanted the business to go.
Kind of like when a married couple realizes they still love each other, but they have very different priorities in life.
That’s the spot we were in.
The business was doing well…
And I liked having Stefan as my partner…
But we simply wanted different things.
And I didn’t think any amount of finagling was gonna change that.
So I made the tough decision to leave.
I sold my 50% stake to Stefan…
And I was out.
Like I said, this all happened relatively quickly…
So it was not something I was preparing for.
But, I wanted to share this story with you for a reason.
And that’s this…
Selling Copy Accelerator was a good lesson for me in realizing that sometimes you have to let GOOD things go if they don’t fit your vision for the future.
Now, that’s not easy to do.
And you kind of feel like an idiot when you do it.
But if it doesn’t fit what you want…
You’re better off letting it go, amd making way for something that DOES fit what you want.
That’s a simple idea…
But one that will make you a lot happier in the long run if you follow it.
Alright, I need to wrap this up…
Hope you got a nugget or two from this.
Enjoy your Friday,
– Justin